Man, time sure flies when you're having fun! WPCC has been hosting events, meetings, and activities for 51 years. Be it a club-specific outing or a larger open event, if it's car-themed and lets us drive or show off our Corvairs, chances are good one or more of our members will be up for it.
Meetings...We officially meet as a group bi-monthly - we'll post the schedule on our home page. Meetings start at 7pm, but come early to hang out, grab some dinner, and catchup on what's up. Hey, somebody's always got something going on!
Other stuff...Like drives, tuneups, & events? Yep, we do that too. Check back here for updates.
You're Invited!...If you like Corvairs, check us out! Individual member dues are only $12/yr, or just $15 per family - you can't beat that price! Here's a membership form when you're ready... whatta yinz waiting for?
Check here, on our Facebook, and Our newsletter for more info.