About CORSA/NC (North Carolina)
Corsa North Carolina (CORSA/NC) is one of the chapters under the International Corvair Organization. It is
a non-profit organization whose focus is the preservation of one of General Motors most unique automobiles.
CORSA/NC is comprised of 3 Corvair Clubs located in different parts of the state. We hope this Website will
be beneficial to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Corvair automobile.
Capital City Corvair Club, Raleigh, NC
President: .................... Sam Russell (H) 919-929-3578 or (C) 608-669-7779 email: samdenverrussell@gmail.com
Vice President: .......... David Drolet (570-460-6296) email: davids1972yenko@yahoo.
Secretary: ................... Dan Stamm, Jr (919-210-6189) email: corvairdan@yahoo.com
Treasurer: ................... Dan Stamm, Jr. (919-210-6189) email: corvairdan@yahoo.com
Club Rep: ................... Gary Barkau (919-847-7006) email: cbarcow@msn.com
Election Date: ............. April of each year
Location: ................... Raleigh/Durham, NC Area
Classic Corvairs of the Triad
President: .............. Cameron Low (704-380-5563) email: cllow53@gmail.com
Vice President: ...... Dale Young (910-578-1901) email: rdynczzz@embarqmail.com
Secretary: .............. David Yemm (336-259-4522) email: dyemm@northstate.net
Treasurer: ...............
Melanie Hart (704-564-4755) email: lanie0321@gmail.com
Club Rep: ...............
Bruce Mckeon (336-225-1846) email: bnvmckeon@msn.com
Election Date: ......... January of each year
Location: .................. North Carolina Triad Area
NC Corvair Triad FaceBook: https: //www.facebook.com/triadcorvairs
NC Mountain Corvair
President: ................... Jim Booher (828-627-6718) email: ( No Email )
Vice President: .......... Bill Prichard (828-545-4478) ( Email: marynanollis@gmail.com )
Secretary: .................. Louise Henline (828-775-0847) ( Email: ncmountaincorvair@gmail.com )
Treasurer: .................. Louise Henline (Cell: 828-775-0847) ( Email: ncmountaincorvair@gmail.com )
Club Rep: ................. Bill Prichard (Cell: 828-545-4478) ( Email: marynanollis@gmail.com )
Election Date: ........... January of each year
Location: ................... Western NC / Asheville, NC area
NC Mountain Corvair Website: .......... www.vairsinthevalley.com
NC Mountain Facebook: .......... https://www.facebook.com/groups/ncmountaincorvair