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Welcome to NECC!


How would you like to test your car and your driving skills on a "Real Racetrack”?

We do not mean 5 or 6 laps.  We mean a full day of driving experience on a sports car racing circuit.

NECC Motorsports ("NECC") conducts high-performance driving events for all makes and models of cars, ranging from factory-stock to track-prepared.  This year, we offered track days at two locations.  Each consisted of group lapping sessions, open track sessions and timed laps.  There was plenty of time behind the wheel for drivers! 

Naturally, safety is our top priority and we have comprehensive rules for cars and drivers. Topics include tech inspection, helmets, safety harnesses and more.

We've been delivering great driving experiences every year since 1973.  We welcome street and track-prepared cars of all makes and models.  If your car can pass our tech inspection rules, you are eligible to drive with us. 

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