Links to Other Corvair Websites!
Corvair Society of America (CORSA)
LVCC values the close relationship it has with the Corvair Society of America, which provides publicity and server space to LVCC. Articles concerning LVCC events often appear in CORSA's monthly magazine, the CORSA Communique. Click HERE to visit the CORSA website.
Das Awkscht Fescht
Bring your Corvair to Das Awksct Fescht, one of the greatest
car shows in the East! A 'cast' of 34 car clubs, including LVCC, puts
on quite a show with over 1,000 antique and special interest autos on
the Sunday of this three-day event.
LVCC Member Randall J. Kohler coordinates the Corvair class for Das
Awkscht Fescht every year. You can contact Randy at this email
rjkvair@aol.com. To visit the Das Awksct Fescht web site, click here:
Northeast Corvair Council (NECC)
Putting 'Vairs on the track since 1974. LVCC is an NECC Member Club. Click HERE to visit the NECC web site.
Other Corvair Websites & Blogs
Corvair Center Forum.
The Corvair Society of America's very own public forum for Corvair
owners, enthusiasts or anyone looking for help and insight on the Chevrolet
Corvair. A simple fast website with an easy search engine for finding
advice on thousands of Corvair topics. Includes extensive FAQs
covering technical topics for preserving, restoring, maintaining, and
modifying Corvair cars and trucks.
Corvair Forum.
http://www.corvairforum.com/forum Another public forum for Corvair
owners and enthusiasts, with plenty of technical advice. Includes a
mobile-friendly app.
Virtual Vairs.
http://www.vv.corvair.org/ The original e-mail discussion group
dedicated to the preservation of the Corvair.
Corvair Corsa.
Corvair Corsa is a plentiful source of Corvair history, information and
pictures. Here, you can explore the entire collection of production Corvairs
including the Corsa, Monza, Monza Spyder, Corvair 700, 500, and the Corvair
95 truck series. Also featured are the many variants created by Corvair
lovers like Don Yenko and John Fitch, builders of the remarkable Yenko
Stingers and Fitch Sprints. The site contains hundreds of pages, so
get comfortable and enjoy your visit!.
Corvair Autocross Pages.
Corvairs have been very successful over the years in autocross racing (also
known as slalom racing or Solo 2). This website, created by Bryan Blackwell,
contains a wealth of information for preparing Corvairs for autocross and
other types of competition. Topics include engine modifications, wheels,
tires, suspension, seats, roll cages and much more. Many of the
modifications can be applied to street cars, too.

This web page was last updated 08/11/24 by redbat01@verizon.net