All-Corvair Spring Swap Meet
What: Corvair and Corvair-related items will be on sale.
When: Saturday, May 1, 2021, 9 AM - 3 PM, rain or shine!
Where: Outdoors at the New Beginnings Bible Church, 104 Bartley Flanders Rd, Flanders, NJ 07836
Please respect the church and its neighbors by not arriving before 9 AM.
Price: No vendor fee! No admission charge!
Donations will be accepted for the benefit of the church.
Vendors: Reserve your space (it's free!) by sending your name, phone number, and email address to David Malcolm at this email address: david.s.malcolm@verizon.net.
Each vendor space is one standard marked parking space. Limit two per vendor. Please indicate whether you want one or two. Thank you!
Extra Attractions: Music. Door prizes. 50-50 raffle! Food available nearby or bring your own! Enter our best/funniest/ugliest mask contest!
COVID-19 Considerations: All applicable COVID protocols will be enforced. Wear a mask and practice social distancing. Persons not complying will be asked to leave.