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NECC Track Day Schedule!


May 17, 2025.  New York Safety Track

July 19, 2025.  New York Safety Track

August 23, 2025.  Pocono Raceway - Southeast Circuit

September 27, 2025.  New York Safety Track


Registration is OPEN for all four dates. Click HERE to register at ClubRegistration.Net.


Get Your Assigned Car Number

Hello NECC Drivers,  Here at NECC, we thought you'd like to have a permanent car number that's all yours.  So, we created a list  matches drivers' names to car numbers.  In most cases, the number assigned to you matches the number you requested in your most recent registration.  Click or tap HERE to see the list!

In a number of cases, two or more drivers requested the same number when they registered.  If you are one of those people, the number assigned to you likely has a prefix or suffix of either "1", "4" or "7".  For example, a person who select "66" could be given "166" instead.  Why "1" "4" and "7"?  Because they are easy to add to your requested number with either tape or white shoe polish for a quick fix at the track.

Please take a look and see if you are on the list. If not, that means you'll need to pick a number that's not already assigned when you register for our next event.  Of course, if you're no longer driving with NECC, please give us a quick reply back to let us know, so we can release that number.  Also, let us know If you prefer not to be on this list, and we will remove you completely.

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