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Corvanatics Corvair-95 Registry

Is your FC's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in the Corvanatics FC registry? If so, is the data complete? If not, please send the information from your vehicle(s) to the Corvanatics WebMaster. VIN numbers are located on the driver door jamb and the trim and paint codes are engraved on the body tag ('cowl plate') located on the cab front wall along side the steering column. Download this pdf to find the location of the Corvair 95 hidden VIN.

    This registry includes FCs that
  • are still on the road or for which restoration is underway or planned
  • are reported as parts vehicles or found in junkyards
  • are known from historical doocuments, such as window stickers, vehicle registrations, etc.
  • are known from newspaper legal notices, dealer ads, classified ads, etc.


Registry Summary
(click on buttons to restrict to selected vehicles)

Current selection:

Totals 8-Door
1963       --    
1964       --    
1965   -- -- --    

Of these FCs:
were assembled in St Louis , were assembled in Flint

have a picture
have Deluxe trim , have Standard trim

have 6 doors , have 8 doors

There are
government , International , and Bell telephone vehicles

are outfitted as a camper

parts/junkyard , roadworthy or restorable
total extant

are from historical records
- window stickers, shippers, titles, etc.
- old newspaper legal notices, ads, etc.

Cancel/Show All

Summary of Original Exterior Colors (based upon data plate paint codes)
Color # % Color # %
Pure-White (61-65)     Turquoise (61-65)    
Red (61-65)     Off-White (61-65)    
Light blue (61-65)     Light Green (61-65)    
Fawn (64 & 65)     Dark Green (61-65)    
Dark Blue (61-65)     Black (61-65)    
Beige (62 & 63     Gray (61-65)    
Gold (62 - 64)     Jade (62-63)    
Orange (61-65)     Light Yellow (61 & 65)    
Dark Yellow (61-65)     Maroon (61 & 65)    
Coral (61)     Gray-Green (64)    
Custom Color          


    Cancel/Show All    

Key to VIN color coding
VIN Color Description
Black VIN If the VIN is black, the vehicle is still on the road or for which restoration is underway or planned
Violet VIN If the VIN is violet, the vehicle has been scrapped, is in a junkyard, or is reported to be a parts vehicle
Green VIN If the VIN is green, the vehicle is (was) in rough shape but possibly restorable
Blue VIN If the VIN is blue the VIN is from a historical document, and the condition of the van, if it still exists, is unknown. An historical document may be a Window Sticker, Shipper, registration, Title, or other record


Keys to Registry Entries:

R1205 = Corvan; R1206 = Greenbrier; R1244 = Loadside; R1254 = Rampside.

Doors: 6D = 6-door; 8D = 8-door.

Where a code is believed to be mis-reported, the expected correct value follows in parantheses, e.g.,"431O(Q)". Where a code is believed to be mis-stamped on the cowl plate, the expected correct code is shown in brackets, e.g.,"545F[E]".

"SPEC" or "SPC" = special color, used for commercial fleet vehicles.

Underlined VINs are hyperlinks to images of the vehicles.

Hover over paint codes to see original vehicle exterior color.

Decoding of Paint and Trim Codes can be found here.

Current selection:

September 1960 - St Louis & Flint production begins 100001
ModelVINvan doorsPaint
Trim CodeInformation
R1244 1R124S100036 N/A724A std under restoration
Earliest VIN known
R1205 1R125S100051 6D online sale 2018
R1206 1R126F100102 6D 732F std restorable??
R1205 1R125F100110 This vehicle resided in Germany
Document is from the Federal Archives Bern / This link shows the German import record for this vehicle.
R1206 1R126S100111 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 3-12-1972
R1254 1R124S100148 N/A740A std
R1205 1R125S100176 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constittion (GA) 7-15-1972
R1206 1R126F100203 This vehicle resided in Germany
Federal Archives Bern - Germany- import record
R1254 1R124S100217 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 6-3-1961
R1254 1R124F100242 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 1R125S100266 Public Auction - The Courier-News (NJ) 1-6-1967
R1254 1R124S100300 N/A707A std
R1254 1R124S100310 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (NE) 5-17-1961
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1206 1R126F100310 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 10-7-1964
October 1960 - Flint first s/n: F100345
R1205 1R125F100411 Public Auction - The Morning Union (Springfield, MA) 12-28-1963
R1254 1R124S100489 This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
Mentioned in a 2011 post on the Corvair Center Forum
R1254 1R124F100535 N/A714A std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 1R125S100563 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 1-10-1961
R1254 1R124S100622 Public Auction - Los Angelos Evening Citizen News (CA) 8-24-1963
October 1960 - St Louis first s/n: S100667
R1244 1R124S100775 N/A710A std
This vehicle resides in Norway / See here the Norwegian vehicle registration record
R1206 1R126S100793 Public Auction - Press and Sun Bulletin (Binghampton, NY) 10-8-1964
R1254 1R124S100804 VIN plated is riveted
Sold in BAT auction 2023
R1254 1R124S100807 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124F100808 Public Auction - The Daily Register (Red Bank, NJ) 7-21-1961
R1254 1R124S100836 N/A707A std
R1254 1R124F100884 Public Auction - Buffalo Evening News (NY) Wed 5-27-1964
R1244 1R124F100895
See post about this Loadside on the
R1254 1R124S100930
This van is in Sweden and appears to have been imported in 2012. / this link shows the Swedish record for the van
R1206 1R126F100949 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 12-30-1964
R1205 1R125S101001 [528A] std
528 paint code is incorrect for 61 , misengraved? plate moved? / Mecum Auction 2013
R1254 1R124S101041 ebay 2019
November 1960 - Flint first s/n: F101075
R1254 1R124S101077 Public Auction - Star Herald (Scottsbluff NE) 9-24-2006
R1206 1R126S101107 Public Auction - The_East_Feliciana_Watchman (LA) 9-13-1963
R1244 1R124S101160 N/A714A std
R1205 1R125F101196 Public Auction - The Times Herald (Port Huron, MI) 7-23-1963
R1206 1R126S101203 Public Auction - The Kentucky Post (Covington, KY) 4-12-1971
R1254 1R124F101224 Public Auction - Wellsville Daily Reporter (NY) 12-29-1961
R1254 1R124S101245 online sale
R1254 1R124S101260 ebay 2019
R1254 1R124S101314
R1205 1R125F101401 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 3-12-1972
R1206 1R126S101447 Public Auction - The Newark Advocate (OH) 12-21-1962
R1244 1R124S101463 N/A707A 431A
R1206 1R126F101582 Public Auction - The Daily Times (Salisbury, MD) 5-13-1971
R1205 1R125S101591 Public Auction - Jackson Hole News (WI) 9-2-1971
R1205 1R125F101686 Public Auction - The Springfield News-Leader (MO) 10-26-1963
R1206 1R126S101687 Public Auction - The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 7-31-1968
R1205 1R125F101701 Public Auction - The News Journal (Wilmington MD) 12-8-1971
R1205 1R125S101714 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 4-20-1975
R1206 1R126S101716 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 4-6-1975
R1205 1R125S101811 6D 721A std
R1254 1R124S101812 ebay 2022
S101812 is a 'shorty' FC pickup, having been shortened by 36 inches, and the side ramp removed. / This link shows the rear and left side
R1254 1R124F101823 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 12-12-1962
R1205 1R125F101857 Public Auction - The Macon News (GA) 8-1-1972
R1205 1R125S102011 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 11-1-1960
R1254 1R124S102018 auctioned 2020
R1254 1R124S102043 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 1-17-1963
R1244 1R124S102073 online sale
R1254 1R124F102098 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) ) 4-11-1962
R1254 1R124S102132 N/A726A std
R1254 1R124S102142 N/A740G 431B
An article was written about #S102142 in the May/June 2014 CorvanAntics newsletter.
R1206 1R126F102151 6D 727F std Connell Collctn
R1206 1R126S102168 6D 727F std
This link shows the car shipper for this vehicle.
R1206 1R126F102180 6D 721A std
R1205 1R125F102202 This vehicle resided in Costa Rica
Legal Notice Judicial Bulletin No 224 San Jose (Costa Rica) 10-3-1969
R1206 1R126S102208 Public Auction - The Park City Daily News (UT) 9-16-1975
R1206 1R126S102214 6D
R1205 1R125S102235 Public Auction - Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Iowa) 10-13-1973
R1254 1R124F102264 Public Auction - The Oneonta Star (NY) 9-14-1962
R1206 1R126S102311 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124F102359 N/A726A std
/ This is one of only a few extant FCs also known from a historical legal notice. / Public Auction - The Indianapolis Star (IN) 10-5-1967
R1254 1R124S102361 Mecum auction 2015
R1254 1R124S102386 Public Auction - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA) 8-18-1969
R1205 1R125F102386 6D std
F102386 is from a historic record reported in a D. Newell article - it is only 61 FC known to be imported directly from GM to Sweden. / This vehicle resided in Sweden
R1205 1R125S102396 6D 707A std
Title identifies the body type of F102396 as a Motor Home; was this originally a camper? / This link shows the vehicle docs for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S102621 N/ASPEC 431A
This Rampside was a parts delivery vehicle for Hillcrest Cadillac in Beverly Hills, CA.
R1205 1R125F102638 6D 707A std Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124F102639 has been scrapped
R1206 1R126S102639 Public Auction - The Times News ( ID) 2-26-1976
R1206 1R126F102674 This link shows the VIN tag
R1205 1R125F102675 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark, NJ) 3-20-1968
R1206 1R126S102684 8D 938 Special
S102684 is the custom van created for William Randolf Hearst Jr with a foldable sunroof. The 938 paint code is the corvair car RPO code for Almond Beige.
R1254 1R124S102695 Public Auction - Tallahasee Democrat (FL) 4-28-1963
R1206 1R126S102759 6D 736F std
This link shows the Window Sticker for this vehicle.
R1254 R135(1R124)S102842 N/A747G 431A
R135(1R124)S102842 has a replacement VIN tag which (possibly) misreads the original VIN
R1206 1R126S102844 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 12-16-1960
December 1960 - Flint first s/n: F102939
R1206 1R126S102958 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 12-4-1965
R1205 1R125S103033 Public Auction - The Kansas City Star (MS) 10-8-1967
R1254 1R124S103038 Public Auction - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA) 6-7-1977
R1244 1R124S103086 N/A732G STD
R1254 1R124S103132 N/A747G std
R1206 1R126S103185 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 1-24-1972
R1244 1R124S103191 N/A740G 431B
R1254 1R124F103288 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 6-3-1976
R1205 1R126F103342 This link shows the VIN tag
R1206 1R126S103352 6D 710A STD
R1254 1R124S103373 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 1-24-1972
R1206 1R126S103393 This link shows the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA, ledger page for this vehicle.
R1244 1R124S103452 N/A735G std ebay 2020
S103452 has been modified and may be a one of a kind "doorside".
R1206 1R126S103474 8D 718A std junker
R1206 1R126S103589 8D 747F std
R1254 1R124S103678 N/A742G std
R1206 1R126S103690 6D ebay 2015
R1205 1R125F103700 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 5-3-1961
November 1960 - St Louis first s/n: S103726
R1206 1R126F103731 Public Auction - The Glens Falls Times (NY) 11-9-1963
R1244 1R124S103758 junker
R1205 1R125S103763
R1244 1R124S103767 N/A740G STD
R1254 1R124S103781 Public Auction - Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, SD) 9-18-1973
R1205 1R125F103800 6D SPEC std
R1254 1R124S103871 online sale
R1205 1R125S103919 6D 727E std junk/parts
R1205 1R125F103936 This vehicle resided in Canada
Classified for sale; The Chilliwack Progress (Brit Col, Canada) 7-22-1981
R1254 1R124S103986 N/A714A Std ebay 2014; Mecum 2024
R1244 1R124S104013 std
R1206 1R126F104053 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 2-8-1962
R1254 1R124S104086 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 4-4-1962
R1244 1R124F104103 Advertisement Lyle Chevrolet the Akron Beacon 8-7-1961
R1206 1R126S104107 The Watchman (East Feliciana, LA) 9-13-1963
R1206 1R126S104120 Public Auction - Oakland Tribune (CA) 7-11-1963
R1254 1R124S104149 ebay 2018
R1206 1R126F104254 8D std ebay 2016
R1205 1R125S104394 6D SPEC std
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report: for this vehicle.
R1206 1R126S104405 Public Auction - s - Palo Alto Times (CA) 8-12-1964
R1205 1R125S104437 6D 740E STD
January 1961 - Flint first s/n: F104546
R1206 1R126S104554 Public Auction - Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, ID) 2-7-1977
R1206 1R126F104557 6D 740F std
R1254 1R124S104624 N/A740G 431A auction 2021
R1205 1R125S104713 Public Auction - Battle Creek Inquirer (MI) 4-14-1963
R1206 1R126S104726 Press and Sun-Bulletin (Binghapton, NY) 5-22-1963
R1254 1R124S104770 data plate covered by audio system
R1205 1R125F104772 Public Auction - The Sandusky Register (OH) 8-27-1964
R1254 1R124S104798 N/A740G 431A
R1205 1R125F104803 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 5-2-1962
R1254 1R124S104816 dealer auction Mill Hall (PA) 2021
For sale 2023 Jim Babish Auto sales
R1254 1R124S104832 Public Auction - Grover City Press (Arroyo Grande CA) 7-15-1965
R1205 1R125S104919 8D 707A std
R1205 1R125S104922 6D 731E 431A Connell Collctn
R1254 1R124F104933 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 5-15-1963
R1254 1R124F104973 N/A707A std
R1205 1R125S104976 Public Auction - The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 2-14-1966
R1206 1R126S104982 8D 747F STD
R1205 1R125S104999 6D 740E std Connell Collctn
R1206 1R126S105002 Public Auction - Santa Barbara News Press (CA) 1-19-1966
R1254 1R124F105027 Public Auction - The Post Standard (Syracuse NY) 1-23-1962
R1206 1R126S105050 6D
R1206 1R126S105235 6D online sale
R1254 1R124S105376 Public Auction - The Idaho Statesman(ID) 10-9-1978
R1205 1R125S105390 see 4R125F103196
R1205 1R125S105392 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 1-23-1973
R1205 1R125S105407 Public Auction - The Hammond Times (Hammond, IN) 7-8-1963
R1244 1R124S105443 This link shows the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA, ledger page for this vehicle.
R1206 1R126S105483 8D 710A std
R1205 1R125F105498 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark, NJ) 11-3-1965
R1254 1R124F105519 N/A747G 431A
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 1R125F105532 Public Auction - The Courier News (Bridgewater, NJ) 4-7-1962
R1254 1R124F105570 N/A710A std
R1206 1R126S105581 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 12-8-1977
R1254 1R124F105605 Public Auction - The Herald-Press (Saint Joseph, MI) 6-22-1965
R1206 1R126F105677 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale news (FL) 12-30-1963
R1206 1R126S105841 6D ebay 2017
R1254 1R124F105849 N/A747G 431A
R1206 1R126F105888 6D 707A std
This vehicle resides in England
R1205 1R125S105930 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 12-16-1960
R1206 1R126S105965 Public Auction - in Arizona Daily Star 3/13/1964
R1205 1R125S105976 6D 721A std Connell Collctn
R1254 1R124F105993 N/A718A std
R1254 1R124S106036 N/A740G 431A
In 2021, S106036 was destroyed by fire from a welding accident. / This link shows the Fire damage
R1254 1R124F106094 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 5-28-1964
R1244 1R124S106103 N/A727G std
R1206 1R126F106174 Public Auction - The Acorn News 11-4-1970
R1206 1R126F106176 Public Auction - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (NY) 1-28-1963
R1206 1R126F106181 6D 740F 431J
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
February 1961 - Flint first s/n: F106189
R1206 1R126S106225 Public Auction - The News and Advance (Lynchburg, VA) 1-3-1966
R1254 3R124S106276 VIN of this 1961 vehicle was replaced
R1254 1R124S106289 Public Auction - The Bossier Press (LA) 4-15-1964
R1254 1R124S106298 Public Auction - The Bossier Press (Bossier City, LA) 4-15-1964
R1206 1R126S106299 Public Auction - Tri City Herald (Kennewick, WA) 4-7-1975
R1254 1R124F106303 N/A714a std
R1205 1R125S106357 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AR) 2-21-1970
R1205 1R125S106429 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 1-21-1966
R1205 1R125F106445 Public Auction - Press and Sun-Bulletin (Birghamton, NY) 3-21-1962
R1254 1R124F106536 listed on line for sale Reading, PA, 2023
R1205 1R125S106538 Public Auction - The Daily Herald (Chicago, IL) 4-21-1968
R1205 1R125S106552 Public Auction - The Modesto Bee (CA) 2-12-1970
R1254 1R124F106574 N/A736G std
R1254 1R124S106698 Sold 7/17, 2017 Norwalk US Storage Center
R1205 1R125S106701 Public Auction - Panama City News Herald (FL) 8-2-1972
R1206 1R126S106717 6D
R1254 1R124S106737
R1254 1R124S106819 N/A710A 431A
R1254 1R124S106826 N/A740G 431A
R1205 1R125S106838 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News 12-24-1963
R1205 1R125S106959 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 12-16-1960
R1206 1R126F106977 6D ebay 2018
R1254 1R124F106983 N/A718A std
R1206 1R126S106988 6D 736F std Connell Collctn
R1206 1R126F107001 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 6-5-1962
R1254 1R124F107064 Auctioned 4/21/2018 Scheerer-McCulloch
R1254 1R124S107083 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 12-14-1960
R1206 1R126F107116 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 7-30-1963
R1205 1R125F107255 SPEC std Only data and VIN plates exist
R1205 1R125F107267 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal 2-15-1973
R1254 1R124S107273 Ace online auctions 2023
R1254 1R124F107337 Public Auction - The Courier-News (NJ) 10-29-1962
R1254 1R124F107401 N/A714A std
This link shows the Truck Shipper for this vehicle.
R1205 1R125F107403 Public Auction - Richmond Times Dispatch (VA) 1-22-1964
R1205 1R125F107409 Classified by Chisholm Trial Grocery, Denton Record-Chronicle (TX) 1-24-1975
R1254 1R124S107429 N/A710A 431A junker
R1205 1R125F107446 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau edition (NY) 7-25-1962
R1254 1R124F107515 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 1R126S107533 6D auction 2022
R1205 1R125F107594 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 12-18-1964
R1205 1R125S107657 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 12-17-1960
R1244 1R124S107675 parts vehicle
R1254 1R124S107753 N/A746G std
R1206 1R126S107780 Public Auction - The Daily Republic (Fairfield, CA) 12-3-69
R1254 1R124S107804 Public Auction - Palladium Item (Richmond IN) 2-20-1987
March 1961 - Flint first s/n: F107868
R1206 1R126S107956 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 1-15-1970
This link shows the legal notice from the Deseret News (Salt Lake, UT) 10-25-72
R1254 1R124S107964 eBay 2019
R1206 1R126S107975 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 12-15-1960
R1254 1R124F108111 N/A705A std Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124F108209 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 3-28-1962
R1205 1R125S108317 8D 727E 431A Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126S108319 6D auctioned on BAT in 2015 and, after restoration, in 2024
Here is the BAT aution listing 2024 / This link shows the view of camper interior
R1206 1R126F108321 Public Auction - The Herald-News (Passaic, NJ) 2-5-1972
R1254 1R124S108358 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126F108403 Legal notice 5/18-5/24, 2018
R1205 1R125S108403 Public Auction - The Jefferson Democrat (LA) 6-29-1968
R1206 1R126S108415 6D 727F std 2014 OH registr.
R1254 1R124S108440 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 3-28-1964
R1254 1R124S108505 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124S108510 online sale
R1254 1R124S108517 junk/parts
R1206 1R126S108574 6D
R1254 1R124F108694 Public Auction - Press and Sun-Bulletin (Birghamton, NY) 2-25-1965
R1254 1R124S108758 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-12-1961
R1205 1R125S108779 Public Auction - The Rock Island Argus (IL) 7-9-1966
R1254 1R124S108790 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (NE) 1-6-1961
R1254 1R124F108791 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S108798 Dealer Advertisement Merced Sun Star (CA) 1-15-1975
R1206 1R126S108848 Public Auction - The Grand Island Independent (NE) 5-15-1967
R1254 1R124S108850 N/A727F std
This vehicle resides in England
R1206 1R126S108852 8D 743F std
This vehicle resides in Japan / This link shows the van in 1980
R1205 1R125S108863 6D ebay 2018
R1205 1R125S108880 6D std ebay 2015
online sale
R1206 1R126S108898 Mention was made of this van on the CCF in 2014
R1205 1R125S108904 6D parts van
R1206 1R126S108928 6D 731F std
R1254 1R124S108944 Public Auction - The Pantograph (Bloomington, IL) 10-16-1965
R1254 1R124S108959 N/A743G std
Mecum Auction 2015
R1206 1R126F109002 Public Auction - The Southbend Tribune (IN) 9-14-1067
R1206 1R126F109006 Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-15-1961
R1205 1R125F109026 Public Auction - The News (Patterson, NJ) 7-29-1077
R1206 1R126S109053 6D 736F std Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S109144 N/A735G std Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126F109190 6D 740A[F] std Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126S109204 727F std
R1205 1R125F109211 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Jersey City NJ) 8-31-1978
R1254 1R124F109257 N/A727G 431A for sale 2020
R1254 1R124S109267 N/A727G 431A
R1254 1R124S109324 N/A521A std
S109324 cowl plate appears to have been moved from a 62 vehicle.
R1206 1R126F109374 6D 731F std Corvair Ranch
R1205 1R125S109395 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 9-14-1986
R1205 1R126S109395 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 9-14-1986
R1206 1R126S109399 6D
R1205 1R125S109438 junker
R1244 1R124S109488 junker
April 1961 - Flint first s/n: F109497
R1254 1R124S109508 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 4-2-1964
R1206 1R126F109538 6D
R1254 1R124F109560 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 7-22-1963
R1254 1R124S109589 N/A729G 431A
R1244 1R124F109607 N/A740G 431A
/ F109607 is the amphibious FC known as the Corphibian. / 2004 OH Regis info (hover)
R1206 1R126S109648 Public Auction - The Austin American (TX) 7-15-1973
R1205 1R125F109656 Public Auction - The Sun (Hamburg, NY) 7-6-1967
R1205 1R125S109661 8D 740E 431B
R1254 1R124F109675 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 7-18-1962
R1206 1R126S109678 6D 710A std Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S109698 very unusual camper
R1206 1R126S109759 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-8-1961
R1254 1R124F109789 N/A705A std
R1206 1R126S109993 8D 727F std
R1254 1R124F109994 N/A728G 431A
R1206 1R126F110022 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124F110038 Advertisement Lyle Chevrolet The Akron Beacon 8-7-1961 - New
R1254 1R124S110096 CORSA registry
R1254 1R124S110097 Data Plate painnted over / ebay sale 2015
R1205 1R125F110100 This vehicle resided in Canada
Public Auction - Star-Phoenix (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) 6-15-1973
R1254 1R124S110101 posted on FB 2019
R1254 1R124F110113 N/A723 std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1206 1R126S110120 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 8-9-1973
R1206 1R126F110140 6D 740F std
R1205 1R125S110164 6D
R1206 1R126S110167 Public Auction - Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN) 1-25-1969
R1254 1R124F110183 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 9-26-1962
R1206 1R126S110222 6D online sale
R1254 1R124F110277 auction 2018 Amherst OH
R1205 1R125F110315 6D 721A std Corvair Ranch
R1205 1R125F110328 6D This vehicle resides in Sweden
Originally sold new in Finland
R1206 1R126S110335 6D 740F std auction 2019
R1206 1R126S110344 Public Auction - The Daily Argus (NY ) 11-28-1966
R1254 1R124S110376 CORSA Registry
R1206 1R126S110386 Public Auction - The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise (Seguin, TX) 11-19-1987
R1254 1R124S110395 Public Auction - Abilene Reporter News (TX) 7-9-1975
R1254 1R124F110435 N/A714A std
R1206 1R126F110464 6D 728F 431J
R1205 1R125F110465 Public Auction - The Morning Union (Springfield, MA) 12-28-1963
R1254 1R124F110519 Public Auction - Daily Times Advocate (Escondido CA) 11-14-1964
R1254 1R124S110532
R1254 1R124F110562 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 2-19-1964
R1254 1R124F110577 N/A705A std Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126F110582 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (MI) 10-23-1968
R1254 1R124S110597 This link shows the ledger page of the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA for this vehicle.
R1205 1R125S110604 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff) 1-18-1963
R1244 1R124S110633 N/A747G 431A
R1206 1R126F110672 6D 724A std
R1254 1R124S110694 N/A727G 431A facebook marketplace 2023
R1254 1R124F110759 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 12-12-1962
R1254 1R124F110763 Public Auction - The Akron Beacon Journal (OH) 8-21-1965
R1206 1R126F110774 6D 747F std
R1205 1R125S110809 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal 8-3-1987
R1254 1R124S110824 N/A740G 431A
R1206 1R126F110867 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau Edition (NY) 10-25-1963
R1254 1R124S110905 N/A732G std
R1206 1R126S110949 6D 726A std Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S110972 referred to in Corvair Center Forum post
R1205 1R125F111006 8D 727G std
/ This vehicle resided in England / Hover to see 2004 OH Reg info / F111006 is located in England
R1254 1R124S111045 Public Auction - Daily Press (Newport News, VI) 2-25-1962
R1254 1R124S111055 N/A726A std
R1206 1R126S111059 6D 731F std
R1254 1R124S111082 N/A705A 431A
May 1961 - Flint first s/n: F111122
R1206 1R126F111138 Public Auction - The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains NY) 4-25-1964
R1205 1R125F111149 6D 727G std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 1R125S111160 SPEC std
R1254 1R124S111246 Has VIN tag from GB 1R126S111485
see post about this Rampside on the CorvairCenterForum
R1206 1R126S111275 Public Auction - The News Tribune (FL) 9-13-1974
R1205 1R125S111284 Public Auction - The News Tribune (West Palm Beach FL) 3-2-1965
R1254 1R124F111289
R1254 1R124S111371 N/A726A 431A
R1254 1R124S111380 ebay 2014
R1254 1R124S111390 Public Auction - News Pilot (CA) 12-15-1988
R1206 1R126S111391 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 6-15-1976
R1254 1R124S111403 N/A700A 431A
R1254 1R124S111428 online sale
R1254 1R124S111449 sold I-15 auctions
R1206 1R126S111485 see 1R124S111246
mentioned here in the Corvair Center Forum
R1244 1R124S111487 N/A721A std
R1206 1R126F111513 Public Auction - Pittsburgh Post Gazette 3-18-1963
F111513 also has Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 1R125S111513 8D 703A 431A
This has custum paint for the Chapman TV Services.
R1254 1R124S111527 std
R1254 1R124S111587 N/A714A std
R1206 1R126S111624 6D
R1206 1R126F111663 Public Auction - Arizona Silver Belt (Globe AZ) 10-2-1975
R1205 1R125S111695 Public Auction - Casa Grande Dispatch (Casa Grande AZ) 12-30-1970
R1206 1R126S111777 6D online sale 2018
R1205 1R125S111780 Public Auction - The Kentucky Post (Covington, KY) 1-22-1974
R1206 1R126S111788 6D for sale 2019 FB
R1205 1R125S111790 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 5-22-1961
R1206 1R126F111792 Public Auction - The Patriot News (Harrisburg PA) 6-11-1962
R1206 1R126F111827 Public Auction - Ventura County Star Free Press (Ventura City, CA) 10-29-1962
R1254 1R124S111867 online sale
R1254 1R124S111883
R1206 1R126F111955 6D online sale 2016
R1206 1-7AT02R2KX11119892 6D This vehicle resides in New Zealand
7AT02R2KX11119892 was once owned by GREEN DAY frontman Billie Joe Armstrong and was sold in 2012 and shipped to New Zealand where it received a new VIN plate / This link shows the VIN plate
R1254 1R124S112030 Public Auction - Council Bluffs Nonpareil(Iowa) 11-2-1973_
R1205 1R125F112071 Advertisement Lyle Chevrolet The Akron Beacon 8-7-1961 - New
R1206 1R126F112080 Public Auction - The Boston Globe (MA) 10-30-1968
R1254 1R124S112178 N/A740G std
R1205 1R125F112193 Public Auction - The Post-Star (Glens Falla, NY) 4-19-1968
R1254 1R124F112217 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S112223 ebay 2015
R1254 1R124S112240 for sale 2019 FB
R1254 1R124S112291 N/A726A
The cowl plate in S112291 appears to be a reproduction that was mis-stamped with an "E" instead of a "3"..
R1254 1R124S112329 N/A714A std
/ This is one of a few existing FCs for which there is a historical legal notice / Public Auction - The Richmond Times Dispatch (VA) 2-27-1963 / Appeared on Bring a Trailer in 2022
R1206 1R126F112331 Public Auction - Ledger Star (Norfork, VA) 3-20-1963
R1205 1R125F112364 6D 700A 431A
R1254 1R124S112367 data plate missing
R1254 1R124S112375 Public Auction - The Imperial Beach Star News (CA) 7-30-1967
R1254 1R124F112376 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S112395 N/A747G std
R1206 1R126F112437 Public Auction - The South Bend Tribune (IN) 6-25-1966
R1254 1R124S112458 N/A736G std
R1254 1R124S112459 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124F112614 N/A740G 431A
The ledger from Carsten Chevrolet (Alturas CA) indicates that S112614 was orginally outfitted as a Traville Campside camper. / This link shows the ledger page for this vehicle.
January 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S112639
R1205 1R125F112651 6D ebay 2021-parts van
R1254 1R124S112653 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun 12-15-1976
R1254 1R124S112687 N/A747G std
R1206 1R126F112701 Public Auction - The Star Press (Muncie, IN) 11-1-1967
R1254 1R124S112736 Auctioned online 2023;
This unusual data plate is in the vehicle . . . meaning??
R1254 1R124S112776 online sale 2019
June 1961 - Flint first s/n: F112789
R1205 1R125F112800 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 7-5-1962
R1254 1R124S112807 N/A721A 431A
R1254 1R124S112836 ebay 2019
R1206 1R126S112842 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (Fl) 3-30-1966
R1254 1R124F112859 Public Auction - The Shreveport Journal (LA) 12-27-1963
The legal notice identified this as a camper
R1254 1R124S112860 N/A725A 431A
R1254 1R124S112869
R1254 1R124S112878 N/A707A 431A
R1206 1R126F112882 Public Auction - TheTampa Times (FL) 10-26-1965
R1254 1R124S112905 Public Auction - The Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) 9-23-1975
R1206 1R126S112909 Public Auction - Lebanon Daily News (PA) 6-25-1974
R1254 1R124S112929 N/A714A std
R1254 1R124S112934
R1254 1R124S112938 N/A731G std
R1254 1R124S112992 N/A729G 431A junk/parts
R1205 1R125F113002 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-14-1962
R1205 1R125S113009 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff) 6-9-1976
R1254 1R124S113011 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S113062 This link shows the article about Flat Fred for this vehicle.
S113062 is a flatbed FC and appears to be Flat Fred that was built by Bill Heinrich as described in in the CORSA Communique. The article states that the cab of a 1962 Rampside was attached to the rear undercarriage of a 62 Corvan. If this is Flat Fred, why it has a 1961 VIN is unknown.
R1205 1R125F113119 Public Auction - Wilmington News-Journal (OH) 4-4-1967
R1254 1R124S113126
R1254 1R124S113173 N/A718A 4[E]31A
S113173 has a rare data plate mis-stamping of an E for the 3 in what should be 431 . / This link shows the Data plate for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124F113192 N/A703A 431A Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S113228 Public Auction - The Jefferson Democrat (LA)10-2-1965
R1206 1R126F113238 This link shows the vehicle title for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S113242 ebay 2021; Mecum auction 2024
This link provides more information
R1205 1R125F113280 6D 721A std
This link shows the Shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S113302 N/ASPEC std
There is some evidence thst this was a phone company truck
R1254 1R124S113344
S113344 was parted out and the VIN tag moved to a different rampside, which had the VIN plate 1R124S107377; see registry entry (that vehicle was actually a 1963)
R1206 1R126S113353 6D 727F std Connell Collctn
R1206 1R126S113387 Public Auction - Panama City Herald (FL) 9-28-1962
R1254 1R124S113395 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S113436 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126F113438 6D online sale 2019
R1206 1R126S113446 6D 736F std
R1206 1R126F113449 6D 703A std
R1254 1R124S113535 N/A727G 431A
R1254 1R124S113546 Mecum auction 2022
R1205 1R125F113546 Public Auction - Bluefield Dailey Telegraph (WV) 9-22-1965
R1206 1R126F113588 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-25-1964
R1254 1R124S113607 N/A723A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S113617 N/A726A std
The picture shoes S113617 as a camper with the original owners. Date and location of picture is not known. Today the van is still called Ken after the original owner. / This link shows the Older image
R1254 1R125F113674 N/A703A std
R1205 1R125F113683 6D 707A std ebay sale 7/18
R1254 1R124S113703 N/A703A std Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126S113754 6D
R1254 1R124S113777
R1254 1R124F113790
R1254 1R124S113812 online sale
R1205 1R125S113854 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 11-7-1971
R1206 1R126S113868 6D 740 std
R1206 1R126S113872 6D 747F std
This vehicle resides in Canada
R1206 1R126F113889 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-20-1963
R1254 1R124S113890 Public Auction - The Evanville Press (IN) 3-7-1967
R1254 1R124S113942 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S113976 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126S113997 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 9-1-1961
R1254 1R124S114127 Public Auction - Contra Costa Times (CA) 5-5-1968
R1254 1R124S114158 N/A729G std
R1254 1R124S114220 N/A731G std
R1244 1R124S114250 N/A740G 431A auctioned 2021
R1254 1R124S114298 N/A726A std
R1206 1R126F114304 8D 747F 431K Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S114312 Leake Auction 2012
R1206 1R126S114313 6D ebay 2016
R1205 1R125F114315 Public Auction - The Hillsdale Daily News (MI) 10-7-1963
R1206 1R126S114333 Public Auction - The Daily Journal (Vineland NJ) 1-31-1963
R1205 1R125F114354 Public Auction - Hartford Courant (CT) 9-18-1967
July 1961 - Flint first s/n: F114394
R1206 1R126S114406
R1254 1R124S114443 online sale
R1254 1R124S114547 N/A719A STD
R1206 1R126F114761 6D
You can see F114761 being inspected in a YouTube video at around minute 12:00
R1254 1R124S114800 N/A710A std
R1254 1R124S114809
F114809 has a load area stroked 350 at 384.5 ci. engine
R1206 1R126S114847 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 9-21-1975
R1206 1R126F114893 Public Auction - The News (Frederick, MD) 3-10-1975
R1205 1R125F114970 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 5-1-1968
R1254 1R124S115008 auction 2023
R1254 1R124S115076 has V8 in bed conversion
R1254 1R124F115114 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126F115125 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 1-13-1980
R1254 1R124S115138 listed for sale by Daniel Schmitt & Company, 2025
R1254 1R124S115142 N/A538G 431A
S115142 data plate codes correspond with a 1962 model; the VIN plate appears to be non-original
R1206 1R126S115145 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 2-8-1961
R1206 1R126S115147 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-31-1961
R1206 1R126S115154 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter(Lincoln NE) 3-11-1961
R1254 1R124S115155 junker
R1254 1R124S115161 N/A727G std
R1254 1R124F115163 N/A708A std
R1254 1R124S115171 Shades Classic Cars 2022
July 1961 - Flint production ends s/n: F115185
R1205 1R125S115190
R1254 1R124S115224 N/A719A std
R1254 1R124S115244 N/A710A std
R1205 1R125S115288 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 8-6-1972
R1254 1R124S115385 Public Auction - The Daily Journal (Vineland NJ) 9-24-1964
R1254 1R124S115430 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126S115435
R1206 1R126S115445 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Iowa) 2-2-1961
R1206 1R126S115462 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-24-1961
R1206 1R126S115511 Public Auction - Tallahasee Democrat (FL) 3-21-1962
R1244 1R124S115517 N/A740G 431A
R1205 1R125S115645 6D
R1254 1R124S115648 Barrt-Jackn Auction 2006
R1254 1R124S115725 N/A700A std
R1206 1R126S115760 This vehicle resides in England
R1244 1R124S115769 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 1R125S115800 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 9-23-1961
R1254 1R124S115826 N/A740G STD
R1254 1R124S115837 N/A747G 431A
This link shows the older image
R1254 1R124S115868 Public Auction - The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City) 7-11-2008
R1254 1R124S115895 STD
R1206 1R126S115910 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S115920 N/A721A std
R1206 1R126S116056 6D
R1254 1R124S116226 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124S116246 Public Auction - The Tampa Times 11-26-1970
R1254 1R124S116288 Public Auction - The Odessa American (TX) 8-26-1977
R1254 1R124S116314
R1206 1R126S116467 6D 740F std
R1254 1R124S116490 N/A707A std
R1244 1R124S116512 N/A721A std
R1206 1R126S116528 Public Notice - Bremerton Sun (WA) 10-31-1973
R1254 1R124S116539 N/A732G std
S116539 is FC with the highest serial # and a rivetted data plate.
R1254 1R124S116615 online sale
R1254 1R124S116623 Public Auction - The Monitor (TX) 9-28-1979
R1205 1R125S116624 6D 705A 431A Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S116748 N/A5521B std
This is not the original VIN - it appears to be a '63 Rampside with a '61 VIN riveted on.
R1206 1R126S116752 6D 703A 431R
R1254 1R124S116774 N/A731F[G] 431A
The cowl plate in S116774 appears to be mis-stamped with an "F" instead of a "G". Although the plate could have been moved from a Greenbrier, this Rampside is a Deluxe model with a Lt Green exterior.
R1244 1R124S116811 N/A727G 431A listed on ebay 2022
R1244 1R124S116840 online sale 2013
R1206 1R126S116955 8D 731F 431U Craigslist 2019
R1205 1R125S117001 6D
R1254 1R124S117016 public notice The Oklahoman (OK) 1-31-2013
R1254 1R124S117042 N/A740G 431A
R1254 1R124S117044 This link shows the title for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S117060 N/A723A std
R1254 1R124S117067 Public Auction - The Daily Oklahoman (OK) 1-31-2013
R1206 1R126S117074
This vehicle isknown from a a ledger page of the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA
R1254 1R124S117089
R1254 1R124S117184 N/A732G 431A
R1205 1R125S117201 721A std
S117201 is an extended cab pickup created from a Corvan / This link shows the left side / This link shows the cab interior
R1254 1R124S117292 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 6-14-1977
R1206 1R126S117295 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 8-3-1978
R1244 1R124S117296 N/A736G 431A
R1254 1R124S117311 Public Auction - The Washington Daily News (DC) 9-15-1965
R1254 1R124S117347 N/A718A std
R1206 1R126S117370 6D 714A 431H
R1206 1R126S117387 Public Notice - The Stuart News (FL) 4-13-1977
R1254 1R124S117388 Public Auction - Ogden Standard Examiner (UT) 10-6-1977
R1254 1R124S117420 ebay 2017
R1254 1R124S117427
R1254 1R124S117438 N/A746G std
R1254 1R124S117485
R1254 1R124S117509 Public Auction - Casa Grande Dispatch (Casa Grande, AZ) 6-19-1963
R1244 1R124S117519 N/A736G 431A
February 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S117607
R1254 1R124S117625 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S117627 N/A723A std
R1254 1R124S117674 N/A714A 431A
R1206 1R126S117675 6D 703A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S117681 Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 8-23-1978
This leagal notice refers to a Greenbrier but the VIN is for a pickup.
R1254 1R124S117684
See post about this Rampside on the
R1254 1R124S117721 N/A705A STD
R1206 1R126S117741 6D junk/parts
R1254 1R124S117755 N/A703A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S117782
R1254 1R124S117795 N/A735G 431A
R1254 1R124S117806 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124S117830 N/A729G std
R1254 1R124S117832 N/A735G std
R1254 1R124S117846
R1254 1R124S117858 N/A703A std
R1205 1R125S118010 6D 726A std
R1254 1R124S118049 N/A740G std
R1205 1R125S118081 Public Auction - The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 9-4-1975
R1254 1R124S118109 N/A724A std
R1254 1R124S118142 Public Auction - News-Press (Fort Meyers, FL) 10-18-1963
R1254 1R124S118206 N/A710A 431A
R1254 1R124S118207 This link shows the rare early style PCV system
R1206 1R126S118287 SPEC STD
R1254 1R124S118302 Mecum auction 2012
R1254 1R124S118315 N/A731G std
R1206 1R126S118351 This vehicle resided in Canada
Public Auction - Edmonton Journal (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) 6-13-1973
R1254 1R124S118391 Public Auction - Austin American-Statesman (TX) 11-14-2011
R1254 1R124S118411 on ebay
R1254 1R124S118527 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal (NV) 6-17-1987
R1206 1R126S118536 Public Auction - Atlantic City Press (NJ) 12-10-1962_
R1254 1R124S118541 ebay 2016
R1254 1R124S118562 N/A723A std
R1206 1R126S118683 Public Auction - The Daily Journal (Vineland NJ) 10-11-1962
R1254 1R124S118693 online sale 2018
R1254 1R124S118745
R1254 1R124S118758 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 7-12-1961
R1254 1R124S118862 N/A718A std
R1254 1R124S118884 N/A736G 431A online auction 2020
R1254 1R124S118901 ebay sale 2018
R1254 1R124S118906 This link shows the ledger page of the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S118984 Hemmings auction 2022
R1254 1R124S118994
R1254 1R124S119197 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 1R126S119270 6D 721A std
R1254 1R124S119277 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S119468 ebay 2023
R1254 1R124S119492 N/A740G std
R1206 1R126S119497 Public Auction - Mount Airy News (NC) 5-15-70
R1254 1R124S119569 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S119573 Public Auction - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA) 4-4-1972
R1254 1R124S119583 Public Auction - The Bedford Daily Times (CT) -12-13-1962
R1205 1R125S119606 6D Public Auction - Goshen News (IN) Jan 2025
R1254 1R124S119622 N/A724A std
R1254 1R124S119624 N/A703A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S119695 N/A743G std
R1254 1R124S119728 online sale 2018
R1254 1R124S119731 Auctioned here in 2024
R1206 1R126S119773
R1254 1R124S119782 This link shows the ledger page of the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S119798 online sale
R1254 1R124S119810 N/A718A std
Craigslist 2018 Palm Springs, CA
R1254 1R124S119949 N/A727G std potentially restorable
R1254 1R124S119962 N/A718A std
The owner explains that this 2015 photogrph of S119962 has the autograph of Peter Brock of Corvette Stingray design fame.
R1254 1R124S120018 Public Auction - The Wichita Eagle (KS) 5-21-1967
R1254 1R124S120031 on eBay 2022
R1205 1R125S120048 6D SPEC std Corvair Ranch
R1205 1R125S120075 Public Auction - The Wichita Beacon 5-12-1974
R1244 1R124S120075 Shades Classic Cars 2022
R1254 1R124S120115 Public Auction - Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph (CO) 9-10-1971
R1254 1R124S120143 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S120171 N/A721A std
R1254 1R124S120181 N/A747G std
R1254 1R124S120200 N/A728G 431A online sale
R1254 1R124S120271
R1205 1R125S120278 Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 7-27-1978
R1206 1R126S120327 Public Auction - The Washington Daily News (NC) 6-25-1966
R1206 1R126S120346 6D 735F 431M
R1254 1R124S120403 N/A736G std
R1254 1R124S120464 ebay 2019
R1205 1R125S120466 Public Auction - The Bradenton Herald (FL) 6-8-1964
R1254 1R124S120482 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124S120501 N/A718A std Corvair Ranch
R1244 1R124S120515 N/A707A std
Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1244 1R124S120557 2022 auction record
R1244 1R124S120577 N/A710A std
R1206 1R126S120598 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 4-29-1972
R1254 1R124S120705 N/A740G std under restoration 2019
R1254 1R124S120777 N/A731G 431A
R1254 1R124S120801 nice camper being restored
R1205 1R125S120888 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 9-6-1961
R1254 1R124S120993 N/A703A 431A
R1206 1R126S121049 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report: for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S121182 CORSA Registry / online sale 2020
R1254 1R124S121201 Public Auction - The Daily Breeze (Hermosa Beach CA) 8-3-1979
R1254 1R124S121337 N/A703A std
R1254 1R124S121372 N/A731G 431A
R1254 1R124S121394 Public Auction - Anderson Daily Bulletin (IN) 5-23-1963
March 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S121426
R1206 1R126S121435
R1254 1R124S121436 BAT 2022
R1206 1R126S121469 6D 731F 431S
R1205 1R125S121516 6D 721A 431A
R1206 1R126S121522 6D 732F 431S
R1254 1R124S121531 N/A727G 431A
R1254 1R124S121536 td online sale
R1205 1R125S121619 Public Auction - Concord Transcript (CA) 7-5-1968
R1244 1R124S121628 N/A721A std
S121628 is a shortened (-25 inches) Loadside painted in a red, white and blue flag theme
R1254 1R124S121675 N/A727G std
R1254 1R124S121786 N/A740G 431A
R1254 1R124S121931 N/A747G 431A
R1206 1R126S121946 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 5-8-1971
R1254 1R124S121949 N/A721A 431
R1254 1R124S121980 N/A736G 431A
R1254 1R124S122056 N/A727G std
R1254 1R124S122147 Public Auction - The Des Moines Register (IA) 9-25-1966
R1254 1R124S122239 N/A740G 431A
R1254 1R124S122280
R1254 1R124S122330 N/A740G std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S122344 N/A705A std
R1254 1R124S122385
R1254 1R124S122387 N/A735A 431A
R1254 1R124S122418 This vehicle resides in Germany
R1254 1R124S122421 Public Auction - Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN) 2-5-1963
R1254 1R124S122424 Beckford Auction 2013
R1206 1R126S122506 8D online sale
R1254 1R124S122567 N/A726A std
R1206 1R126S122604 6D [541] [std]
The dataplate of this Greenbrier was moved from a different vehicle
R1254 1R124S122624 ebay 2016
R1205 1R125S122638 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun 5-20-1973
R1254 1R124S122686 N/A710A std
R1206 1R126S122756 6D junk/parts
R1206 1R126S122772 507A std
R1205 1R125S122773 8D Corvair trader 2020
R1206 1R126S122780 6D
R1254 1R124S122807 Public Auction - Anderson Herald (IN) 8-16-1963
R1206 1R126S122863 6D 723A std
R1244 1R124S122864 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S122937 see 2R124S102338
R1254 1R124S123027 Bring-a-trailer 2024
R1254 1R124S123060 Advertisement - Colusa Sun Herald (CA) 10-6-1969
R1254 1R124S123152 N/A731G std
R1254 1R124S123160 Public Auction - Elizabethton Star (TN) 3-18-2003
R1254 1R124S123188 N/A726A STD
R1206 1R126S123316 6D 732F 431S
R1254 1R124S123330 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 11-11-1966
R1206 1R126S123340 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S123457 N/A721A 431A
R1206 1R126S123481 6D
R1205 1R125S123484 Public Auction - The Pantograph (Bloomington, IL) 11-12-1975
R1206 1R126S123570 8D This link shows the VIN plate
R1206 1R126S123593 Public Auction - Independent-Observer (Conrad, MO) 4-28-1966
R1205 1R125S123608 Public Auction - The Miami Herald (FL) 5-11-63
R1206 1R126S123618 8D online sale
R1206 1R126S123657 6D 747G STD
R1254 1R124S123736
R1206 1R126S123824 Public Auction - The Miami News (FL) 12-12-1971
R1206 1R126S123911 data plate missing
R1205 1R125S123959 Public Auction - Sioux City Journal (IA) 3-16-2000
R1205 1R125S123963 Public Auction - Stockton Daily Evening Record (CA) 1-6-1969
R1206 1R126S123987 6D Sullivan Auctioneers, 2018
R1254 1R124S123995 N/A723A 431A
R1206 1R126S124041 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 8-29-1961
R1254 1R124S124110 N/A703A std
R1206 1R126S124114 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 3-24-1974
R1205 1R125S124124
R1205 1R125S124147 6D 721A std
April 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S124289
R1206 1R126S124312 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 2-1-1973
R1254 1R124S124411 Data plate missing / Corvair Ranch
R1254 1R124S124489 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 3-8-1965
R1206 1R126S124510 6D 747F std Corvair Ranch
R1206 1R126S124530 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 10-12-1961
R1206 1R126S124771 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-15-1961
R1206 1R126S124849 8D online sale 2019
R1254 1R124S124858
R1254 1R124S124861 N/A736G 431A
Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 1R125S125111 This link shows the VIN plate on ebay 2019
R1254 1R124S125368 Public Auction - The News (Frederick, Maryland) 6-11-1970
R1254 1R124S125375 online sale
R1254 1R124S125463 Public Auction - Nevada State Journal (Sparks NV) 11-14-1970
R1254 1R124S125490 N/A710A std
R1205 1R125S125608 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-27-1961
R1254 1R124S125683 N/A700A std
R1206 1R126S125977 6D 736F 431N
R1205 1R125S126000 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-16-1961
R1206 1R126S126012 6D SPECIAL std
S126012 has C 61 279 stamped on the VIN plate which is a government contract code
R1205 1R125S126017 Public Auction - The Oregonian (Portland, OR) 9-17-1973
R1206 1R126S126042 This FC is missing the original data plate.
R1206 1R126S126051 6D ebay 2016
BAT auction 2021
R1206 1R126S126353 6D 736F 431N
R1206 1R126S126415 8D 727F 431F
R1206 1R126S126427 6D 710A 431F
For sale FB marketplace 2024, Canoga Park, CA
May 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S126581
R1206 1R126S126632 Public Auction - Stephens Point Journal (WI) 9-15-1962
R1254 1R124S126840 ebay 2019
R1205 1R125S126875 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 2-8-1962
R1206 1R126S126888 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 5-13-1961
R1205 1R125S126902 Public Auction - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (AK) 9-5-1973
R1254 1R124S127012
R1205 1R125S127017 6D 743E std Corvair Ranch
R1205 1R125S127041 6D 718A 431A
R1206 1R126S127075 8D Fb marketplace 2019
R1206 1R126S127097 This link shows the owner protection plan for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S127098 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 1R126S127183 Public Auction - Wausau Daily Herald (WI) 4-16-1965
R1206 1R126S127233 Public Auction - Casper Star-Tribune (WY) 8-22-1967
R1254 1R124S127313 N/A736G 431A
R1254 1R124S127458 N/A703A std
R1205 1R125S127569 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-30-1961
R1254 1R124S127592
R1254 1R124S127618 N/A737G 431A
R1205 1R125S127634 Public Auction - The Philidelphia Inquirer 3-30-1963
R1206 1R126S127941 6D
R1254 1R124S127954 N/A740G 431A Connell Collctn
R1254 1R124S127974 ebay 2016
R1205 1R125S128060 6D 721A 431A
R1254 1R124S128098 This vehicle resides in Germany
R1206 1R126S128140 Public Auction - The Daily Oklahoman (OK) 11-27-2009
R1254 1R124S128161 N/A726S std
R1205 1R125S128169 Public Auction - The Lemoore Advance (CA) 2-4-65
R1254 1R124S128187 no data plate
R1254 1R124S128190 N/A729G std Connell Collctn
R1254 1R124S128209
R1254 1R124S128240 N/A727G 431A
R1254 1R124S128275
online sale 2022 (cannot confirm VIN which has duplicate St Louis serial number)
R1206 1R126S128275 6D 747F STD
This link shows the custom made right side battery box.
R1205 1R125S128315 6D 726A std
S128315 has the cab of a Corvan attached to the backend of a Rampside; the back tailgate is modified to gated doors. / This link shows the rear view
R1254 1R124S128339
R1206 1R126S128504 Public Auction - The Beaver Press (Beaver UT) 11-22-1973
R1254 1R124S128548
R1206 1R126S128613 6D 731F std
R1206 1R126S128705 8D std online sale
June 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S1228769
R1206 1R126S128780 6D 743F std
R1206 1R126S128786 6D 736F std .
R1254 1R124S128864 N/A731G STD
R1205 1R125S128878 Public Auction - The Daily Journal (Vineland, NJ) 1-9-1962
R1206 1R126S128909 6D Craigslist 2021
R1206 1R126S128930 6D online sale 2018
R1206 1R126S128946 6D
S128946 was retrofitted with a steam engine. (Yep, steam!) According to info given with the listing on FB in 2019, it was built by Charles Reynolds (an engineering genius ). The 2 cycle engine has 4 cylinders and uses a radiator to condense steam back int
R1254 1R124S128947 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S128972 This link shows the ledger page of the Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA for this vehicle.
R1254 1R124S128974 This rampside has been used as a Bookmobile
online sale 2020
R1206 1R126S129084 6D 714A std
R1254 1R124S129089 ebay 2017
R1254 1R124S129224 ebay 2017
R1206 1R126S129406 6D 747F std Connell Collctn
R1205 1R125S129502 6D SPEC std
S129502 is a one-of-kind FC mobile home.
R1254 1R124S129540 Public Auction - Yuma Sun (AZ) 3-4-1964
R1205 1R125S129566 6D online sale
R1206 1R126S129599 6D 747F std
R1254 1R124S129647 N/A740G 431A
R1254 1R124S129777 N/A740G std
R1254 1R124S129854
R1205 1R125S129860 Public Auction - Anchorage Times (AK) 8-21-1970
R1206 1R126S129890
From a Carsten Chevrolet, Alturas, CA, ledger page
R1254 1R124S129975 ebay 2017
R1205 1R125S129995 Mecum Auction Indy October 2023
R1205 1R125S129998 6D 700A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S130000
R1206 1R126S130047 For sale on facebook 2024
R1254 1R124S130072 N/A721A 431A
R1206 1R126S130099 6D 727F std
R1205 1R125S130128 Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 9-24-1975
R1254 1R124S130152 N/A714A std
R1206 1R126S130155 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 1R124S130210 online sale
R1205 1R125S130244 8D 721A std
R1205 1R125S130333 Public Auction - The Evening Herald (South Tacoma WA) 8-19-1971
R1206 1R126S130411 6D 726A
R1254 1R124S130418 N/A721A STD
R1205 1R125S130419 6D 721A std
R1206 1R126S130440 6D 747F 431J
R1254 1R124S130446 online sale 2018
R1205 1R125S130467 Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 9-18-1970
R1254 1R124S130485 online sale
R1254 1R124S130489 N/A721A 431A
R1254 1R124S130493 ebay 2024
R1206 1R126S130538 6D 746F 431J
R1205 1R125S130578 6D 721A std salvage van
R1244 1R124S130587
R1205 1R125S130594 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-15-1961
R1254 1R124S130663 N/A740G Craigslist 2018
R1254 1R124S130665 from CORSA registry
R1205 1R125S130681 Public Auction - The Decatur Review (IL) 3-25-1968
R1254 1R124S130750 N/A747G std This is a camper
R1254 1R124S130777 N/A731G 431A VIN plate is riveted
R1206 1R126S130839 6D 716A std
July 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S130844
R1254 1R124S130851 N/A707A 431A posted for sale 2024
R1254 1R124S130963 N/A719A std Craigslist 2022
R1244 1R124S130976
R1206 1R126S131028 705A 431S
R1254 1R124S131045 N/A703A std
S131045 has a custom made folding ramp. Hmmm ... another Chevy Stepside pickup? / This link shows the custom ramp
R1206 1R126S131090 6D 726A std junk/parts
R1254 1R124S131143 N/A721A std ebay 2023
R1254 1R124S131165 online sale 2014
R1206 1R126S131192
R1206 1R126S131203 6D 707A std
R1206 1R126S131292 6D 729F std
R1254 1R124S131324 N/A721A std
R1206 1R126S131356 6D 736E STD
R1205 1R125S131401 on ebay 2023
R1254 1R124S131423
R1205 1R125S131438 8D This vehicle resides in England
R1254 1R124S131442 N/A727G std
R1206 1R126S131563 ebay 2019
R1254 1R124S131572 sold Motoexotica classic cars
R1206 1R126S131670 6D 742F std
R1254 1R124S131672 N/A721A std ebay sale 2015
R1206 1R126S131686 6D 747F std
R1205 1R125S131758 8D 714A dataplate mis-stamp
R1206 1R126S131768 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 1R126S131871 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 7-28-1961
R1206 1R126S132001 6D 736F std junk/parts
R1206 1R126S132067 6D 736F 431N
R1206 1R126S132093 6D 721A 431J
R1254 1R124S132100
R1254 1R124S132183
R1254 1R124S132226 N/A721A std online sale
R1252 1R1S26S132227
R1206 1R126S132242
R1206 1R126S132257 ebay 2022
R1206 1R126S132276 6D 703A std
R1205 1R125S1289070 Public Auction - Anchorage Times (AK) 7-28-1970
R1254 1R124S12812_ missing last digit of VIN
R1254 1R124F10493 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 5-15-1963
ModelVINvan doorsPaint
Trim CodeInformation
August 1961 - St Louis & Flint production begins s/n: 100001
R1205 2R125F100001 6D 521A (std)
2R125F100001 is one of the two remaining Amblewagons. Although a direct read of the cowl plate has not been made, the paint code is from other documentation. / See more here
R1205 2R125S100025 6D 510A std
restoration completed in 2018, during which side windows were installed in this Corvan, creating according to the owner "a poor mans Greenbrier." - Maybe, but a beautiful restoration. / This vehicle resides in Sweden / This link shows the the van prior to restoration
R1206 2R126F100048 6D 522 STD
R1205 2R125S100052 Public Auction - The Columbus Ledge (GA) 5-12-1967
R1205 2R125S100055 6D 521A-B std
2R125S100055 was originally outfitted as a funeral home vehicle.
R1205 2R125F100082 6D 537E std
This link shows the Shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 2R125F100105 Public Auction - Philadelphia Daily News (PA) 6-8-1967
R1254 2R124F100122 N/A533 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125S100129 6D junker
R1206 2R126S100144 6D
R1254 2R124F100222 N/A505 std auction BAT 2022
R1205 2R125F100249 Public Auction - The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 10-5-1963
R1205 2R125S100280 Public Auction - The Deming Headlight (AZ) 11-29-2005
R1206 2R126F100288 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 5-5--1974
R1254 2R124S100305 online sale
R1206 2R126S100337 on ebay 2020
R1206 2R126F100364 6D
R1206 2R126F100465 Public Auction - Beckley Post-Herald (WV) 1-17-1967
R1244 2R124S100479 N/A526 std
R1205 2R125S100502 6D 507A std Craigslist 2022
This link shows the van before most recent restoration
R1206 2R126S100513 6D 510A std
R1254 2R124F100519 N/A533G std
R1205 2R125F100533 6D junk/parts
R1254 2R124S100594
R1205 2R125S100598 6D 503A std
R1254 2R124S100630 Public Auction - The Miami News (FL) 9-3-1970
R1254 2R124S100648
R1205 2R125S100687 Public Auction - Austin American-Statesman (TX) 11-14-2011
R1244 2R124F100715 N/A503 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 2R124S100724 N/A507A 431A
R1205 2R125S100750 online sale 2019
R1254 2R124S100774 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
S100774 sold in Barrett-Jackson auction in 2018 for $77K
R1244 2R124S100860 N/A503A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 2R126F100871 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau Edition (NY) 6-10-1966
R1254 2R124F100901 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-27-1964
R1244 2R124F100917 N/A514A std In CorvairKid Registry
VIN plate is screwed on.
R1254 2R124F100942 Public Auction - The Daily Advance (Madison Heights, VA) 7-14-1964
R1254 2R124S100951 N/A537G std
R1206 2R126S100958 6D 532F std ebay 2018
R1254 2R124S100998 online sale
R1205 2R125F101023 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 4-2-1970
R1206 2R126F101030 This vehicle resided in Sweden
There is a for this vehicle. / This link shows the Swedish import regislation form for this vehicle.
R1205 2R125F101036 Public Auction - The Times (Munster, IN) 7-10-1967
R1205 2R125F101110 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 8-6-1972
September 1961 - Flint first s/n: F101114
R1206 2R126S101146 Public Auction - Nevada State Journal (Reno, NV) 4-18-1972
R1205 2R125S101163 6D 545F[E] std Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124S101176
R1206 2R126F101252 6D 8526 4310 (Q)
This vehicle resides in Sweden / F101252 is one of two remaining Amblewagons. / See more here.
R1205 2R125S101322 6D 521A 431N
R1254 2R124F101333 Public Auction - The Courier--News (Bridgewater, NJ) 2-11-1963
R1205 2R125F101365 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon Heights MI) 1965_04_27_20
R1206 2R126S101386 6D 507A std Connell Collctn
September 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S101400
R1205 2R125S101404 Public Auction - Des Moines Tribune (IA) 9-17-1970
R1254 2R124F101427 N/A549 2-tone yellow
Public Auction - Des Moines Tribune (IA) 9-17-1970
R1206 2R126S101443 6D Barrett-Jackson auction 2009
R1206 2R126S101452 6D 533F std Craigslist 2019 Chicago
R1206 2R126F101471 Public Auction - The Saginaw News (MI) 10-30-1962
R1254 2R124F101484 N/A537 std
F101484 has a turbocharger on the engine / This link shows the turbocharged engine
R1205 2R125S101489 6D online auction 2024
R1254 2R124S101554 online sale & ebay 2019
R1254 2R124F101606 Public Auction - Cassopolis Vigilant (MI) 10-2-1969
R1254 2R124S101644 Public Auction - The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoman City, OK) 5-24-1993
R1254 2R124F101683 N/A510 431A
R1206 2R126S101687 Public Auction - The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 7-31-1968
R1206 2R126F101715 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon Heights MI) 1964_09_29_26
R1205 2R125F101793 8D 500 431A Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124F101799 Public Auction - The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 6-15-1963
R1206 2R126F101803 Public Auction - Morris Dailey Herald (Morris, IL) 5-17-1976
R1205 2R125F101819 6D 505 std Corvair Ranch
October 1961 - Flint first s/n: F101859
R1206 2R126S101880 6D 541F 431R
This link shows the before restoration
R1254 2R124S101982 Public Auction - Stevens Point Journal (WI) 3-13-1964
R1205 2R125F102044 Public Auction - The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) 6-24-1965
R1205 2R125S102056 Public Auction - Beauregard Daily News (LA) 5-14-1964
October 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S102060
R1205 2R125S102165 Public Auction - The Missoulian (MT) 11-1-1972
R1205 2R125F102176 Public Auction - The South Bend Tribune (IN) 1-11-1966
R1244 2R124S102207 Craigslist Ontario 2018
R1254 2R124S102325 N/A537G 431P
The trim code ECL 'P' is unexpected for a Rampside, but also see 102338 below. That two of these occur in such close proximity is very strange. On the same day was the same operator on the assembly line making the same mistake? These two data plates are also rare uses of clutch head screws on 1062 FCs. / This link shows the data plate
R1254 2R124S102332
R1254 2R124S102338 N/A541G 431P
The VIN plate of S102338 reads "1R124S122937" and is not original. The hidden VIN (S102338) and data plate show the vehicle is a 1962 model. The "P" ECl of the trim code is unexpected for a Rampside, See 102325 above. / This link shows the data plate
R1254 2R124S102542
R1206 2R126S102545 6D online sale
R1254 2R124F102616 N/A507 std for sale 2019
R1206 2R126S102636 Public Auction - Ft Lauderdale News (FL) 2-26-1966
R1206 2R126S102669 Public Auction - Birmingham Post Herald (AL) 10-29-1969
R1206 2R126S102693 Public Auction - The Daily Herald (Provo, UT) 6-22-1977
R1205 2R125F102695 6D 503 std
R1206 2R126S102696 6D 558F 431E
R1206 2R126F102733 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 3-9-1965
R1254 2R124S102799 ebay 2019
R1206 2R126S102807 6D 533F std Connell Collctn
R1254 2R124S102813 Public Auction - The Daily Oklahoman(Oklahoma City, OK) 9-23-1996
S102813 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice:
R1205 2R125F102817 6D 505 std junk/parts
R1254 2R124S102840 N/A510A 431A
R1254 2R124S102851 N/A544G 431N
R1254 2R124S102853 N/A544G 431N
R1254 2R124S102932 N/A528A std
R1206 2R126S102935 6D ebay 2016
R1254 2R124S102941 online sale
R1205 2R125S102946 6D
R1254 2R124S103005 N/A521[?] 431N
The dataplate of S103005 lacks the paint ECL expected for a St Louis assembly, apparently a mis-stamping.
R1206 2R126F103049 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1206 2R126F103058 6D
R1254 2R124F103121 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 2R124S103149 N/A521A std junk/parts
R1254 2R124S103169
R1206 2R126F103200 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 1968_01_03_48
R1254 2R124S103207 N/A537G STD ebay 2017
R1205 2R125S103243 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 2R126F103273 6D
F103273 was originally a school bus for the Owen County School (KY)
R1244 2R124S103279 N/A521A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1244 2R124F103302 N/A508 std In CorvairKid Registry
November 1961 - Flint first s/n: F103375
R1254 2R124F103401 This vehicle resides in England
from a U.K. Registration Record record
R1254 2R124S103433 auctioned 2021
R1206 2R126F103441 6D ebay 2022
R1206 2R126F103459 Public Auction - The Daily Journal (Vinland, NJ) 5-27-1963
R1254 2R124S103463 N/A521A 431N
R1254 2R124S103487 Public Auction - The Kansas City Star (MO) 6-18-1967
R1206 2R126F103543 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1254 2R124S103617
R1254 2R124S103624 online sale 2018 (Santa Rosa, CA)
R1206 2R126F103627 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 10-24-1964
R1206 2R126F103635 Public Auction - The Orlando Evening Star (FL) 3-29-1963
R1254 2R124S103671 Public Auction - The Wichita Eagle (KS) 5-25-1991
R1254 2R124F103687 online sale
R1244 2R124S103695 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124S103727 N/A514A STD junker
R1254 2R124S103752 N/A503A std
November 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S103755
R1205 2R125S103766 6D 533E std
This vehicle resides in Germany
R1254 2R124S103783 on ebay 2024
R1206 2R126S103801 6D
R1206 2R126S103840 This link shows the vehicle title for this vehicle.
R1206 2R126S103852 Public Auction - The Austin American (TX) 4-2-1972
R1254 2R124S103944 N/A544G 431N auction 2017
R1206 2R126S103954 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 11-20-1971
R1254 2R124S103957 has 102 HP engine
R1206 2R126S103987 6D 503A std
R1244 2R124S103997 N/A545G std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 2R125F104017 6D SPC STD junker
R1206 2R126F104040 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 4-21-1966
R1205 2R125S104068 6D 521A std
R1206 2R126S104172 6D
R1205 2R125S104208 6D 521A 431N
This vehicle resides in England
R1254 2R124S104210
R1206 2R126F104288
R1205 2R125S104288 Public Auction-The Gadsden Times (FL)6-10-1972
R1206 2R126F104334 Public Auction - Kingston Daily Freeman (NY) 7-19-1962
R1205 2R125F104363 Public Auction - The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) 4-20-1973
R1206 2R126F104376 Public Auction - The Bridgeport Post(CN) 10-30-1972
R1206 2R126F104405 6D 514A std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1206 2R126F104406 6D 532 std
R1205 2R125S104414 Public Auction - Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT) 1-21-1970
R1254 2R124S104417 N/A507A std
2R124S104417 was used in a movie according to the IMCDB database
R1205 2R125S104418 6D 526A std Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124S104439 N/A507A 431A
R1254 2R124F104516 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 2R126F104534 Public Auction - Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY) 7-19-1962
R1254 2R124S104544 N/A558G 431A
R1254 2R124S104547 estate sale
R1206 2R126F104550 Public Auction - Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 10-2-1963
R1206 2R126F104554 Public Auction - The Troy Record (NY) 11-8-1963
R1206 2R126S104601 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal (NV) 3-1-2013
R1205 2R125S104633 8D ebay 2015
R1205 2R125S104711 6D 537E ?
R1206 2R126S104712 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 10-9-1964
R1205 2R125S104735 Public Auction - The San Francisco Examiner (CA) 2-13-1969
R1206 2R126S104747 6D [5554AA] STD junker
R1206 2R126S104799 Public Auction - The Desmoines Tribune (IA) 9-4-1973
R1254 2R124S104811
S104811 has a Pittsbugh Pirates themed paint and interior
R1254 2R124S104845 N/A537G 431A
R1205 2R126F104888 6D
F104888 was an Amblewagon found in Egil Twedt s barn believed to have been scrapped
R1254 2R124S104906 N/A514A std
There is a an article about this Rampside tow-truck in Corvanatics vol 21-6 .
R1254 2R124S104956 N/A541G 431N junk/parts
R1205 2R125F104957 Public Auction - The Bridgeport Post (CN) 4-1-1967
R1206 2R126S105025 6D 540F 431K
This vehicle resides in England
December 1961 - Flint first s/n: F105058
R1206 2R126S105073 6D Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 12-5-1961
Cradle to grave history. We have records of its original registration to 'Mascot Enterprises' and ultimate demise, auctioned for parts in 2024 in Giltner NE (BigIron auctions # IL7105)
R1205 2R125S105117 6D 544E std
R1254 2R124S105153 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 2R126S105202 A note found in another FC stated this one had been junked
This link shows the old note
December 1961 - St Louis first s/n: S105230
R1206 2R126S105233 Public Auction - The Austin American (TX) 8-19-1973
R1205 2R125S105239 Public Auction - The Signal (Santa Clarita, CA) 4-1-1977
R1205 2R125F105257 Classified ad The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 5-3-1969 pg 23
R1205 2R125S105261 Public Auction - The Lordsburg Liberal (NM) 6-1-1973
R1206 2R126F105276 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 3-16-1972
R1205 2R125S105315 8D online sale 2021
R1206 2R126S105330 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 6-3-1972
R1206 2R126S105331 6D 554F 431E
R1254 2R124S105397 N/A526A std
S105397 has a 4-front wheel drive conversion from a 2008 Impala SS / This link shows the still under restoration
R1206 2R126F105464 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 6-7-1966
R1205 2R125S105499 8D 500A std
R1206 2R126F105507 6D 507 std
R1206 2R126S105518 6D
R1206 2R126F105651 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 8-10-1966
R1254 2R124S105699 N/A503A std
R1205 2R125S105710 6D 528A std
R1254 2R124S105725 N/A526A std
R1254 2R124S105776 online sale 2018
R1205 2R125S105803 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 1-5-1962
R1205 2R125S105805 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-5-1962
R1206 2R126S105882 Public Auction - 9-16-2020
R1254 2R124S105891 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124S105904 N/A544G std ebay 2016
R1206 2R126S105922 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 3-10-1962
R1244 2R124S105934 data plate missing
R1254 2R124S105953 N/A507 std
The paint code of S105953 is expected to be 507A ; the engraved code is also odd, with the 0 appearing to be stamped sideways.
R1205 2R125S105958 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
sold at auction in 2023
R1254 2R124S105964 N/A544G std
R1206 2R126S105968 6D 507A std
R1205 2R125F105984 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7-15-1973
R1205 2R125S106012 6D online sale
R1206 2R126S106024 6D 526A 431R
S106024 is painted as a "Hippy van"
R1254 2R124S106033 This Rampside was reported as stolen in 2024
R1206 2R126F106048 Public Auction - The Daily Argus (NY) 2-1-1964
R1206 2R126S106051 6D
R1205 2R125S106130 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 9-6-1967
R1254 2R124S106149 Public Auction - The San Bernardino County Sun (CA) 9-25-1984
R1254 2R124F106193 N/A533 std ebay sale
R1254 2R124F106225 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125S106226 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal (NV) 3-18-1992
R1206 2R126S106328 8D 510A std
R1206 2R126S106345 6D Data plate is missing
R1206 2R126S106396 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GE) 2-5-1972
R1206 2R126S106400 6D 540F 431K junk/parts
R1205 2R125S106444 6D 526A std
R1205 2R125F106477 This vehicle resided in Canada
Public Auction - The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, Canada) 3-29-1969
January 1962 - Flint first s/n: F106520
R1206 2R126S106545 6D 526A std
R1254 2R124S106648
R1206 2R126S106698 Public Auction - The Capital (Annapolic, MD) 5-10-1973
R1206 2R126F106717 Public Auction - The Millville Daily 1-4-1968
R1205 2R125F106722 6D Data Plate missing
F106722 was the Milburn NJ Fire Department Rescue vehicle
R1206 2R126S106723 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125S106797 Public Auction - Hattiesburg American (MS) 9-26-1967
R1205 2R125F106806 Public Auction - The Standard Star (New Rochelle, NY) 7-1-1971
R1206 2R126S106862 The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2- 3-1962
R1206 2R126S106866 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 10-3-1962
R1205 2R125S106877 6D
R1254 2R124S106913 Barrett-Jackson auction 2020
January 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S106932
R1254 2R124S106933 This vehicle resides in Switzerland
Here is an article about this Rampside.
R1244 2R124S107058 N/A508A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 2R125F107084 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 6-6-1966
R1254 2R124S107094 online sale
R1206 2R126S107105 6D 521A ST[C]D BringATrailer 2022
S107105 data plate has a Trim Code misstamp of STC instead of STD .
R1206 2R126S107142 6D 545[E] F ? STD
R1254 2R124S107149 N/A532G std
R1254 2R124S107157 N/A537F 431A
S107157 appears to have a rare factory typo, showing a paint code ECL of F (which designates a Greenbrier) instead of the expected G ; documented with a photo of the data plate.
R1254 2R124F107179 N/A554 std
The 554 paint code for Rampside F107179 is surprising, since the gold exterior, also called Coppertone , was listed as an option only for Greenbriers (R1206) during the years ( 62 - 64) it was available.
R1205 2R125S107187 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-13-1962
R1206 2R126S107241 Public Auction - Bremerton Sun (WA) 3-28-1970
R1205 2R125S107251 Public Auction - Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, ID) 5-10-1973
R1254 2R124F107288 Public Auction - The Star Press (Muncie, IN) 1-28-1964
R1205 2R125S107300 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-4-1962
R1205 2R125S107313 Public Sale - Tulsa World Sun (OK) 4-10-2022
R1254 2R124F107325 N/A510 std
This link shows the Rampside before restoration
R1254 2R124F107339 Public Auction - Casa Grande Dispatch (AR) 11-13-1968
R1205 2R125S107341 6D 526A std
R1254 2R124S107370 N/A521A std
R1206 2R126F107394 Public Auction - Press and Sun Bulletin (Binghamton, NY) 1-22-1963
R1244 2R124S107438 std Corvair Kid
R1206 2R126F107441 a trade-in on dealer invoice of R1265S100004
R1206 2R126S107462 Public Auction - Wausau Daily Herald (WI) 8-10-1962
R1254 2R124S107479 N/A521A std
R1205 2R125F107521 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ) 4-15-1970
R1205 2R125S107554
This vehicle is listed on, a car exporting company; and on
R1206 2R126S107560 6D
R1205 2R125S107562 Public Auction - The Missoulian (MT) 3-29-1986
R1254 2R124S107696 N/A532G 431A
R1205 2R125F107701 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau edition (NY) 5-22-1965
R1206 2R126S107760
R1206 2R126F107815 Public Auction - The South Bend Tribune (IN) 8-18-1965
R1205 2R125S107819 6D 507A std
R1205 2R125F107883 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 1965_06_07_25
R1205 2R125S107947 8D 521A std ebay sale
R1206 2R126S107954 Public Auction - Anderson Daily Bulletin (IN) 10-29-1962
R1206 2R126F107957 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 1-11-1981
R1254 2R124S108001 Dataplate is missing
This link shows the Rampside prior to restoration
R1205 2R125S108013 Public Auction - Rocky Mount Telegram (NC) 11-18-1969
R1254 2R124S108022 Sold at Saratoga Motorcar Auction 2024
February 1962 - Flint first s/n: F108052
R1206 2R126S108052 8D 503A std
R1205 2R125S108139 ebay 2018
R1206 2R126F108152 6D 541 std Corvair Ranch
R1251 2R125S108156 Craigslist 2023
R1254 2R124S108165 N/A528A std
R1206 2R126S108172 6D 558F std
R1254 2R124S108202
R1206 2R126S108224 6D SPC std
R1254 2R124S108228 This vehicle resides in Belgium
R1206 2R126F108303 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 3-10-1977
R1206 2R126F108305 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 3-3-1977
R1206 2R126F108321 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 10-10-1964
R1206 2R126S108324 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 3-11-1965
R1205 2R125S108338 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 4-8-1972
R1205 2R125F108378 6D
R1206 2R126S108442 6D 537F std
R1205 2R125F108498 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 2-7-1971
R1206 2R126S108527 6D 540F dlx junker
R1254 2R124F108560 Public Auction - The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 11-5-1965
R1205 2R125F108606 Public Auction - The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) 4-11-1968
R1254 2R124S108617 N/A526A std
Condition before restoration
R1205 2R125F108680 6D 540 std junked long ago
R1206 2R126F108709 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ) 4-15-1970
R1254 2R124S108744 Public Auction - St. Mary and Franklin Banner-Tribune (Franklin, LA) 2-24-1966
February 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S108832
R1205 2R125F108863 Public Auction - The Standard Star (New Rochelle, NY) 9-13-1973
R1206 2R126S108877 Public Auction - The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LO) 11-17-1968
R1206 2R126S108890 8D 537F std
R1254 2R124F108891 N/A533 std Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124F108981 online sale
R1206 2R126S108983 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-17-1962
R1206 2R126F108990 Public Auction - The Republic (Columbus, IN) 7-8-1971
R1254 2R124S109046
public records search finds this vehicle in Cherokee IA
R1254 2R124S109092 Public Auction - Jackson_County_Floridan_1963_04_05_7
R1205 2R125S109150 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 7-19-1974
R1254 2R124S109161
R1244 2R124S109194 std data plate paint code unreadable
R1205 2R125S109215 8D 505A 431A for sale 2020
R1254 2R124S109245 N/A541G std
R1244 2R124S109303 N/A541G 431N In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 2R124S109344 This vehicle resided in Sweden
This link shows the registration info for this vehicle.
R1205 2R125S109348 Public Auction - Asbury Park Press (NJ) 4-17-1964
R1206 2R126S109366 This vehicle resided in Sweden
The close proximity of the serial numbers S109344 and S109366 suggests that these two FCs were originally part of a single export order / Vehicle is registered in Sweden 8/22/2022 / This link shows the registration info from Sweden for this vehicle.
R1254 2R124S109376 found in public records search; Gardnerville, NV
March 1962 - Flint first s/n: F109386
R1206 2R126S109410 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 6-6-1974
R1205 2R125F109418 6D 514 std
2R125F109418 is rare Corvan with cargo area windows / also has unusual luggage rack
R1206 2R126S109433 6D
R1205 2R125S109437 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-27-1962
R1205 2R125F109441 6D 503 std
R1206 2R126S109447 6D 503A std junk/parts
R1205 2R125S109451 6D 522 STD
R1205 2R125F109470 6D 516 431C
F109470 is rare Deluxe Corvan with cargo area windows that open. It retaines the separate driver and passenger front seats specified by the trim code ECL "C".
R1244 2R124S109481 N/A500A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 2R126F109508 6D Data plate is unreadable
R1244 2R124S109524 N/A514A std
R1205 2R125S109550 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-12-1962
R1206 2R126F109566 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125F109570 6D SPC std Corvair Ranch
R1206 2R126S109571 526S 431R
The back of this van was converted intio a pickup bed
R1206 2R126S109604 Public Auction - The Pantograph (Bloomington, IL) 11-12-1975
R1205 2R125S109609 Public Auction - The Miami News (Fl) 7-5-1969
R1205 2R125F109630 6D 537 std Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124F109672 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125F109687 Public Auction - The Richmond Times Dispatch (VA) 4-22-1963
R1206 2R126S109746 6D 524A std
S109746 is a pop-up camper. / A rather lengthy history of this van is posted here
R1205 2R125S109791 6D 526A 431H
R1205 2R125S109906 Public Auction - Mason Valley News (Yerington NV) 1-27-1989
R1205 2R125S109925 6D SPEC 431A
This is a Pacific Bell Phone Co Van.
R1206 2R126S110024 6D 521 431R
This vehicle has a rare data plate error since a St Louis assembled Greenbrier (but not one assembled in Flint) should have a F after the paint code (i.e., 521F ) / This link shows the data plate
R1254 2R124F110037 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 2R124S110051 online sale at Pacific Classics 2023
R1206 2R126S110092 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AR) 12-9-1965
R1254 2R124S110101 N/A544G 431N
R1206 2R126S110137 6D online sale 2015
R1254 2R124F110138 ebay 2017
R1205 2R125S110203 6D 514A std
Painted a patriotic red, white, and blue
R1206 2R126S110222 6D
R1206 2R126F110224 6D 508 std
R1205 2R125S110274 6D SPEC std
S110274 VIN Plate stamped with "C 62 200" see notes with S110476.
R1244 2R124S110xxx N/ASPEC std
S110xxx VIN Plate (VIN hidden at owners request) is stamped with the Bid code "C 62 200" see notes with S110476. It also has stenciling indicating that it serviced the Atomic Energy Commission / This link shows the note found in vehicle for this vehicle. / This link shows the original stenciling
R1244 2R124S110345 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
S110345 - having a SPEC paint code suggests that this FC was part of the same government order described under S110476.
R1244 2R124S110365
R1206 2R126F110367 Public Auction - The Daily Argus (NY) 2-1-1964
R1244 2R124S110398 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
S110398 - has a 1981 sticker from the Texas Department of Safety and the "SPEC" paint code suggest that this FC was part of the same government order described under S110476.
R1254 2R124S110412 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 2R124S110416
March 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S110430
R1206 2R126F110437 6D CraigsList Rochester 2019
R1205 2R125S110448 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-4-1962
R1206 2R126S110471 6D 558F std
R1244 2R124S110473 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
S110473 VIN Plate stamped with "C 62 200" see notes with S110476. / This link shows the earlier photo
R1244 2R124S110476 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
S110476 VIN Plate is stamped with "C 62 200" which was the "bid number" from the Chevrolet Central Office. S110274, S110345, S110398, S110473 and S110476 appear to be part of the same large fleet purchase. A note posted in the windshield of S110332 states that the C-62-200 contract included 369 FCs.They all have SPEC codes, and three are known to have an identical Bid number "C 62 200" on the VIN tag. A note posted in a window of S110xxx states that the C-62-200 contract included 369 FCs. You can find more info about some of these vehicles by following the hyperlinks to Kent Sullivan's CorvairKid site. / This link shows the Window note for this vehicle. / This link shows the VIN plate
R1205 2R125S110507 6D
R1205 2R125F110517 6D
R1206 2R126S110542 Public Auction - Redding Record Searchlight and the Courier Free Press (TX) 6-17-1969
R1206 2R126F110546 6D 503 std
This link shows the the van before restoration.
R1205 2R125S110557 Public Auction - Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 4-8-1981
R1205 2R125S110572 6D 526A std
R1205 2R125S110613 Public Auction - The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, FL) 12-17-1965
R1206 2R126S110626 8D 521A std
R1206 2R126S110630 6D [5518AA] [STD]
sold BAT 2022; has a 1965 data plate / This link shows the prior appearance
R1205 2R125S110667 Public Auction - Beatrice Daily Sun (NE) 5-6-1975
R1206 2R126S110692 6D 5533F 431W
R1254 2R124F110727 N/A505 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125F110732 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 4-2-1966
R1206 2R126F110753 6D 558 431E online sale
R1205 2R125S110780 6D ebay 2018
R1206 2R126S110825 Public Auction - Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News (LA) 3-7-1963
R1205 2R125S110855 6D 521A std Junk/parts van
R1205 2R125S110856 Public Auction - Ventura County Star Free Press (CA) 12-26-1970
April 1962 - Flint first s/n: F110858
R1205 2R125F110864 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 9-11-1967
R1206 2R126S110903 6D 541F 431Q
R1206 2R126S110965 Public Auction - The Idaho Statesman (Boise ID ) 5-28-1970
R1206 2R126S110983 6D
R1205 2R125F111002 Public Auction - Hartford Curant (CN) 10-5-1963
R1244 2R124S111041 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 2R126F111061 public notice Lancaster New Era (PA) 6-30-1970
R1205 2R125S111078 This vehicle resided in Canada
public sale The Chilliwack Progress (BC, Canada) 9-19-1981
R1254 2R124S111112 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info- scrapped 2011
R1205 2R125S111164 Public Auction - The Deming Headlight ( ) 6-16-1977
R1254 2R124S111175 N/A526A std online sale
R1205 2R125F111182 Public Auction - Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY) 12-9-1964
R1205 2R125S111188 6D SPEC std
S111188 Has rear side windows on right side.
R1205 2R125S111199 Public Auction - West Side Journal (LA) 11-12-1970
R1254 2R124S111201 no data plate
R1206 2R126S111207 6D
R1206 2R126F111215 6D 540 std
R1254 2R124S111225 online sale
R1206 2R126F111231 Public Auction - The South Bend Tribune (IN) 6-16-1965
R1205 2R125S111237 Public Auction - Council Bluffs Nonpareil (IA) 11-16-1973
R1254 2R124F111246 Public Auction - Press and Sun Bulletin (Binghamton, NY) 1-22-1963
R1254 2R124S111246 Has VIN tag from GB 1R126S111485
R1206 2R126F111255 6D junk/parts
R1205 2R125S111261 Public Auction - Nampa Idaho Free Press (IA) 10-9-1976
R1205 2R125S111284 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (Fl) 1-29-1963
R1254 2R124S111285 N/A541G 431N ebay 2016
R1205 2R125S111287 Public Auction - Decatur Daily (AL) 6-11-1964
R1205 2R125S111290 6D 521A std ebay 2022
R1205 2R125S111296 6D 521A std
R1254 2R126S110305 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 11-12-1963
R1254 2R126F111324 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 11-12-1963
R1206 2R126S111355 online auction 2025
R1206 2R126S111376 [747G] plate moved from"61 Rampside
R1206 2R126S111405 from Corsa registry
R1206 2R126S111465 8D 528A 431F
R1254 2R124S111526 N/A521A std
R1205 2R125S111566 6D 507 std
R1205 2R125S111583 Public Auction - Rocky Mount Telegram (NC) 2-24-1972
R1205 2R125S111655 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 19-25-1962
R1206 2R126F111655 6D online sale
R1205 2R125S111673 6D SPEC std
R1205 2R125S111677 6D 503 std
R1206 2R126F111691 6D 541F 431R
R1254 2R124S111749 N/A545G 431N
R1254 2R124S111790 Most likely parted out. See 2R124S116903
R1205 2R125S111924 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 2-17-1972
R1254 2R124F111962 N/A514 std
R1205 2R125F111965 Public Auction - Chicago Tribune (IL) 9-9-1966
R1244 2R124S111985 N/A530J[G] std In CorvairKid Registry
S111985 has a rare misstamping of the paint codeECL - a J rather than a G. / This link shows the Data plate
R1206 2R126S112003 6D 540F std
R1206 2R126F112031 Public Auction - The Sandusky Register (OH) 1-15-1965
R1205 2R125S112112 6D 521A std
R1205 2R125S112136 6D
April 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S112190
R1206 2R126F112191 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 2-13-1963
R1254 2R124S112204
R1206 2R126S112226 6D 549F 431E junker
R1206 2R126F112235 6D 540F std
R1205 2R125F112242 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 6-11-1972
R1206 2R126F112263 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-15-1972
R1254 2R124S112323 N/A537G std
R1205 2R125S112354 8D junker
R1205 2R125S112420 6D 528A 431C Connell Collctn
R1254 2R124S112460 N/A533 std
R1254 2R124S112464
R1205 2R125F112473 6D
R1206 2R126F112476 Public Auction - TheSouth Bend Tribune (IN) 3-28-1967
R1206 2R126S112531 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-13-1962
R1254 2R124S112605 N/A541G std
R1254 2R124S112615 Public Auction - The Miami Herald (FL) 5-9-1981
R1205 2R125F112648 6D 521 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125F112653 6D 510 std Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124S112671 online sale
R1254 2R124S112681 N/A55G8
R1205 2R125S112708 6D 558E 431A Connell Collctn
R1205 2R125F112727 Public Auction - The Journal Herald 11-4-1967
R1205 2R125S112727 Public Auction - The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 11-14-1967
R1206 2R126F112748 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-10-1971
R1205 2R125S112768 8D 526A std
R1205 2R125S112834 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (Fl) 7-25-1963
R1205 2R125F112887 Public Auction - Press of Atlantic City (NJ) 6-24-1963
R1254 2R124F112917 Public Auction - Press of Atlantic City (NJ) 2-10-1964
R1206 2R126S112920 6D 545F 431F
R1206 2R126F112934 6D 535 std
Mecum Auction 2020
R1254 2R124S112954 N/A541G 431N
R1205 2R125S112961 6D online sale
R1206 2R126S113017 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 4-28-1962
R1205 2R125F113050 6D 526 std ebay 2016
R1206 2R126S113071 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-28-1962
R1205 2R125F113118 Public Auction - Richmond Times Dispatch (VA) 7-3-1971
R1254 2R124F113126 N/A516 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125S113126 a Pacific Bell van
R1206 2R126S113156 6D 526A std
R1205 2R125S113163 Public Auction - The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 11-7-1967
R1205 2R125S113199 in a 2010 post on the Corvair Center Forum
R1254 2R124F113228 N/A5?5 std partial read of data plate
R1254 2R124F113230 facebook 2022
R1254 2R124S113236 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124F113259 Public Auction - The Holland Evening Sentinel (MI) 4-28-1965
R1205 2R125F113292 Public Auction - Lansing State Journal (MI) 12-4-1964
R1206 2R126S113343 6D 537F std online sale 2020
R1206 2R126S113352 6D 537F std junk/parts
R1206 2R126F113436 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125S113582 6D SPEC std
It is believed that this van serviced the Edwards Air Force Base
R1205 2R125F113584 6D junk/parts
R1205 2R125F113618 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ) 6-22-1979
R1205 2R125S113633 6D 521A std
R1205 2R125S113703 6D
R1254 2R124S113717 under restoration
June 1962 - Flint first s/n: F113739
R1206 2R126F113746 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 3-6-1963
May 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S113861
R1205 2R125S113890 Public Auction - The Miami News (Fl) 12-6-1969
R1254 2R124S113907 ebay 2019
R1206 2R126S113910 6D Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 7-5-1978
One of a few extant vehicles with a historical legal notice
R1205 2R125S113912 Public Auction - The Coeur d Alene Press (ID) 11-15-1976
R1254 2R124S113941 Van converted to a rolling sea
R1254 2R124S114099 N/A528A std
R1254 2R124S114114 Public Auction - The Chicago Daily Calument (IL) 5-3-1963
R1205 2R125S114123 Public Auction - Des Moines Tribune (IA) 5-8-1970
R1205 2R125S114130 6D 540E 431A has been scrapped
R1254 2R124S114155 online sale
R1206 2R126F114196 Public Auction - The Imperial Beach Star News (CA) 6-20-1968
R1205 2R125S114210 Public Auction - Abilene Reporter News (TX) 9-3-1995
R1254 2R124F114230 N/A537 std
F114230 is on display at the GM Heritage Center.
R1206 2R126F114275 6D 535 431X
R1205 2R125S114294 Public Auction - Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville, KY) 10-29-1974
R1206 2R126S114352 2021 auction
R1205 2R125S114356 8D 521A std
R1254 2R124S114357 for sale 2019 FB Missoula MT
R1254 2R124S114393 N/A544G 431N Connell Collctn
May 1962 - Flint first s/n: F112265
R1205 2R125F114394 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-21-1979
R1206 2R126S114401 Public Auction - The Bayton Sun (TX) 8-28-1974
R1254 2R124S114408 N/A503A std
R1205 2R125S114424 6D 503A std junk/parts
R1205 2R125F114460 6D 507 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125F114478 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon Heights MI) 9-1-1962
R1206 2R126S114483 This link shows the cab wall
S114483 has some unusual customization of the cab wall and tailgate. / This link shows the tailgate
R1254 2R124S114492 N/A503A std
R1205 2R125S114520 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News 10-25-1963
R1205 2R125S114537 6D 537E std
The same VIN (2R125S114537) is reported for a junker Corvan listed online / This is the online listing / This link shows the The other van
R1254 2R124S114543
R1206 2R126S114555 6D 510A SPEC
R1206 2R126S114559 6D 526A std
R1206 2R126F114564 Public Auction - Tampa Bay Times (Fl) 10-8-1985
R1206 2R126S114660 6D 528A std online sale 2019
R1244 2R124S114664 ebay sale
R1254 2R124S114677 N/A546G [std?] rim code painted over
R1244 2R124S114704 online sale
R1244 2R124S114736 N/A510A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 2R125S114777 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 9-13-1962
R1205 2R125S114782 6D 544E 431N
R1252 2R125S114813
R1254 2R124S114848 online sale 2019
R1205 2R125S114937
R1206 2R126S114955 510A SPEC BAT 2022
S114955 is unusual in having a regular paint code but a SPEC trim code
R1205 2R125F114974 Public Auction - Colorado Springs Gazette (CO) 4-23-1971
R1205 2R125S114992 On ebal 2024
R1254 2R124S115019 N/A507A std
R1206 2R126S115048 6D std
R1205 2R125S115063 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 11-15-1969
R1205 2R125S115065 8D 519A std
R1206 2R126F115079 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau edition (NY) 4-25-64
R1205 2R125S115091 6D 521A std
July 1962 - Flint first s/n: F115141
R1205 2R126F115153 6D 503 std
R1244 2R124S115177 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
Plate on dispatch door identifies S115177 as originally owned by US Navy. Door jamb plate carries VIN as well as C-62-255 , a government purchase code.
R1206 2R126F115195 There is a Reported as stolen in Corvan Antics 11-3 1983 for this vehicle.
R1206 2R126S115211 6D 500A std
R1205 2R125S115227 521A std
R1206 2R126F115274 6D 554 std FB mrktplace 2019
R1205 2R125S115350 6D 514A std
This vehicle resides in France
R1205 2R125S115363 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-6-1962
R1206 2R126S115430 Public Auction - The Ottawa Citizen (Ontario, Canada) 5-30-1974
R1206 2R126S115435 Public Auction - Deseret News (AZ) 4-3-1973
R1205 2R125F115453 6D
R1254 2R124S115457 N/A507A std
R1205 2R125S115497 8D
R1205 2R125F115522 502 STD
R1206 2R126S115525 Public Auction - News Pilot (los Angeles, CA) 9-17-1982
R1205 2R125F115546 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 11-25-1964
R1206 2R126S115576 Whether vehicle still exists is unknown
This link shows the Title for this vehicle.
R1206 2R126S115606 6D ebay 2018
R1205 2R125F115612 6D 500 std
June 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S115618
R1254 2R124S115644 N/A528A std
R1254 2R124S115686
R1205 2R125F115715 Public Auction - The Record (Hckensack, NJ) 1-25-1964
R1254 2R124S115773
R1205 2R12SS115828 6D Kraupie's Auction 2023
R1206 2R126S115883 6D junker
R1254 2R124S115900
R1205 2R125F115911 6D 503A std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1254 2R124S116051 N/A[740G] [431A] has a 1961 data plate
R1254 2R124S116053
R1205 2R125F116054 Public Auction - The Messenger (Madisonville, KT) 12-20-1963
R1254 2R126F116062
R1254 2R124S116078 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 2R125F116083 6D
R1206 2R126F116127 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GE) 9-28-1974
R1205 2R125S116156 6D ebay 2016
R1206 2R126F116303 6D 540 431K
This vehicle resides in England
R1205 2R125S116315 6D SPC std
S116315 has C-62-362 stamped on the VIN plate, a government purchase code. Why it has a Corvan VIN ( R125 ) but a Greenbrier emblem is unclear.
R1254 2R124S116320 N/A558G std
R1206 2R126S116323 6D 526A 431R
R1205 2R125F116333 Public Auction - Nanaimo Daily News (Brit Col, CA) 1-2-1970 sold by British Columbia Telephone Company
R1206 2R126S116337 6D 540F std
R1205 2R125F116339 Public Auction - Nanaimo Daily News (Brit Col, CA) 1-2-1970 sold by British Columbia Telephone Company
R1254 2R124S116352 N/A540G std
This link shows the earlier pic
R1206 2R126S116375 6D 544F 431R Corvair Ranch
R1206 2R126S116382 6D 545F 431R
This vehicle resides in England
R1206 2R126S116396 Public Auction - The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY) 1/22/1975
August 1962 - Flint first s/n: F116471
R1206 2R126F116476 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1205 2R125S116525 Public Auction - The Patriot News (Harrisburg PA) 5-18-1972
R1205 2R125S116572 6D 526A std
R1205 2R125F116596 Public Auction - The Roanoke Times (VA) 1-17-1967
R1254 2R124S116598
R1205 2R125F116607 8D SPC std
R1206 2R126S116623 6D 549F 431E
R1254 2R124S116628 N/A544G Std
August 1962 - Flint production ends s/n: F116652
R1206 2R126S116752 Public Auction - The Bridgeport Post (CN) 2-25-1972
R1254 2R124S116777 N/A521A 431N
R1254 2R124S116903 N/A537G std
S111790 is generally known as'Flatbed Fred', an FC modified to have a flat payload deck. Its construction was initiated by Louis Vankuyen and completed by Gerald Berge. According to a 1996 article in CorvanAntics, "The Forward Control Flatbed began life as a 1962, 4-speed Rampside and a 1962 automatic Greenbrier." It has the Rampside cowl plate and the Greenbrier VIN tag; from the 'hidden vin' on the cab undercarriage (reported in a 2016 post to the Corvair Forum ), it appears the VIN of the Rampside was 2R124S116903. / Here is a link to the article in Corvanatics
R1254 2R124S116903 N/A537G std
S111790 is generally known as'Flatbed Fred', an FC modified to have a flat payload deck. Its construction was initiated by Louis Vankuyen and completed by Gerald Berge. According to a 1996 article in CorvanAntics, "The Forward Control Flatbed began life as a 1962, 4-speed Rampside and a 1962 automatic Greenbrier." It has the Rampside cowl plate and the Greenbrier VIN tag; from the 'hidden vin' on the cab undercarriage (reported in a 2016 post to the Corvair Forum ), it appears the VIN of the Rampside was 2R124S116903. / Here is a link to the article in Corvanatics
R1206 2R126S116932 6D online sale
R1254 2R124S116952 N/A540G std
R1205 2R125S116974 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-11-1962
R1206 2R126S11701_ 6D last digit of above VIN not given
R1206 2R126S117019 6D ebay 2019
R1254 2R124S117020 SPEC std junk/parts
R1254 2R124S117066 ebay 2017
R1254 2R124S117121 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124S117221 N/A503A std
R1206 2R126S117248 Public Auction - The Decatur Review (IL) 2-21-1971
R1205 2R125S117258 Public Auction - Waco Tribune Herald (TX) 6-27-1988
July 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S117286
R1206 2R126S117368 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) Jul-6-1962
R1206 2R126S117378 Public Auction - The Messenger (Madison, KT) 1-22-1072
R1206 2R126S117592 6D ebay 2018
R1206 2R126S117617 6D 537A std
R1244 2R124S117644 N/A528A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 2R126S117655 Public Auction - Mason Valley News (Yerington NV) 8-28-1987
R1254 2R124S117658 N/ASPEC std
R1205 2R125S117687
R1205 2R125S117697 on Hemmings 2021
R1254 2R124S117762 N/A558G 431A
R1244 2R124S117797 N/ASPEC STD
It seems likely that this vehicle was part of the same fleet purchase as S117802, and it would be nice to know if the VIN plate has the same "C 62 xxx" code
R1244 2R124S117802 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
S117802 has C-62-490 stamped on the VIN plate, a government purchase code.
R1205 2R125S117835 8D SPEC std
It seems likely that this vehicle was part of the same fleet purchase as S117802, and it would be nice to know if the VIN plate has the same "C 62 xxx" code
R1254 2R124S117838 N/A521A std
R1205 2R125S117888 6D online sale
R1205 2R125S117920 8D 526A std "Salvaged from the crusher"
R1254 2R124S117932 online sale
R1205 2R125S118034 6D 526A STD junker
R1254 2R124S118070 N/A540G 431A Online auction - TractorHouse
R1254 2R124S118075 N/A521A std
R1205 2R125S118091 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 5-25-1972
R1254 2R124S118159 N/A541G std
R1254 2R124S118185 This link shows the vehicle prior to restoration
R1206 2R126S118191 6D 544F 431Q
R1206 2R126S118207 6D 532F 431E
R1254 2R124S118213 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124S118304 Data plate is missing
R1205 2R125S118307 6D SPEC std
S118307 is a confirmed Bell Phone Company van.
R1254 2R124S118322 N/A526A std
R1206 2R126S118359 6D 533F std online sale
R1206 2R126S118366 6D 521A 431R Corvair Ranch
R1254 2R124S118377 N/A521A std
R1254 2R124S118403 [5544F] [5Z60R]
has data plate from a 63 Greenbrier
R1254 2R124S118489 N/A537G std
R1254 2R124S118496 N/A521A std
R1206 2R126S118562 540G STD
R1205 2R125S118575 6D std ebay 2016
This link shows the camper interior
R1206 2R126S118582 6D 521A std
R1205 2R125S118585 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 10-1-1962
R1254 2R124S118617
R1254 2R124S118628
R1205 2R125S118672 6D SPEC std
S118672 is a fully restored Bell Company van
R1254 2R124S118684 N/A541G 431N
R1254 2R124S118707 N/A526A std
R1206 2R126S118710 6D 540F std Corvair Ranch
R1205 2R125F118713 Public Auction - The Olympian (Olympia, WA) 10-15-1985
R1205 2R125S118731 6D Craigslist 2020
R1205 2R1255118731
R1206 2R126S118753 6D
R1254 2R124S118777 N/A545G std
R1205 2R125S118855
R1254 2R124S118901 online sale
R1205 2R125S118914 6D SPEC std
S118914 has government contract code C-62-501 on the VIN plate and agency seal stenciled on the side / This link shows the VIN plate for this vehicle. / This link shows the Department of Interior stencil
R1254 2R124S118955 N/A502A STD
August 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S118961
R1206 2R126S118967 6D 537F std Connell Collctn
R1254 2R124S118994 Public Auction - Aiken Standard (SC) 1-18-1974
R1206 2R126S119222 6D
R1205 2R125S119264 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report: for this vehicle.
R1254 2R124S119277 649 ? STD junker
R1206 2R126S119280 6D 521A STD
has full roof fiberglss high top
August 1962 - St Louis production ends s/n: S119317
R1206 7AT02R2KX11119892 6D
R1206 3R126S103675 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 3-26-1963
ModelVINvan doorsPaint
Trim CodeInformation
September 1962 - St Louis & Flint production begins s/n: 100001
R1206 3R126F100046
from a classified ad in American Car Collector July-August 2014
R1205 3R125S100083 Public Auction - The Herald Tribune (Sarasota FL) 10-29-1965
R1205 3R125S100089 Public Auction - The Honeoye Falls Times (NY) February 08, 1968
R1206 3R126F100103 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 6-13-1963
R1206 3R126F100107
R1205 3R125S100175 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 10-13-1962(2)
R1205 3R125F100208 6D 528 std
R1205 3R125F100209 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 11-11-1964
R1205 3R125F100249 Public Auction - The Morning News (Wilmngton, DE) 7-37-1965
R1205 3R125S100252 6D 5521B std
R1254 3R124S100271
R1206 3R126F100312 6D 533 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126F100316 6D 510 std
R1254 3R124S100366 N/A5541G std
R1205 3R125S100374 5507A std
R1254 3R124F100417 N/A541 Z60N
R1206 3R126S100453 6D 5549F 5Z60E
R1206 3R126S100468 Public Auction - The Missoulian (MT) 5-9-1973
R1205 3R125S100481 6D
see post about this van on the
R1205 3R125F100570 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 12-14-1969
R1254 3R124F100586 N/A507 std
R1254 3R124S100588 Mecum auction 2024
R1206 3R126F100601 The Flint Journal (MI) 10-4-1974
R1206 3R126S100629 std
S100629 is a Greenbrier with the backend cut off like a pickup to hold the camper unit.
R1254 3R124F100642 N/A522 Z60N
R1254 3R124S100660 Worldwide Auctioneers 2019
R1205 3R125S100686 Public Auction - Austin American Statesman (Austin, TX) 12-23-1969
R1254 3R124S100696 N/A5514A STD
R1206 3R126S100718
R1206 3R126F100727 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 3R125S100728 6D 5521B std
R1254 3R124S100762
R1206 3R126S100763 5545BA 5Z60LB
Registration Record The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 10-17-1962 / The back of this van has been converted into a pickup bed.
R1254 3R124S100785 Public Auction - The Daily Nonpareil (Council Bluffs IA) 1-31-1980
R1254 3R124S100791 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 9-30-1963
R1254 3R124S100813 N/A5545G 5Z60N
R1205 3R125S100866 6D on ebay 2024
R1205 3R125S100934 6D online sale / ebay 2018
R1205 3R125F100935 6D 505 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S100953 6D 5500A std
This link shows the dealer invoice for this vehicle.
R1254 3R124S100963 online sale
R1254 3R124S100969 VanDerBrink Auctions, 2021
R1206 3R126F100974 6D 522 std Corvair Ranch
R1254 3R124S100997 sold 2020 BigIron Auctions
R1254 3R124S101070 online sale 2017
R1254 3R124S101073 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 10-27-1962
R1206 3R126S101081 6D
R1205 3R125S101135 6D 526 std
R1205 3R125F101149 public sale The Pittsburgh Press (PA) 12-2-1975
R1254 3R124F101178 Public Auction - The Daily Reporter (Greenfield, IN) 4-12-1968
R1205 3R125S101189 6D online sale
R1205 3R125S101209 6D 5521B std
R1254 3R124S101224 N/A5503A std
VIN plate is riveted on / This vehicle resides in Canada
October 1962 - Flint first s/n: F101225
R1206 3R126F101268 Public Auction - The Ithica Journal (NY) 5-11-1970
R1205 3R125F101281 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 6-7-1966
R1254 3R124S101315 online sale
R1205 3R125S101320 6D
October 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S101337
R1205 3R125S101381 Public Auction - Austin American Statesman (TX) 11-14-2011
R1205 3R125S101389 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 10-13-1962
R1206 3R126S101393 6D 5528A std
R1206 3R126S101399 6D
R1254 3R124F101434 Sold at Carlisle 2021
R1254 3R124S101442 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 9-3-1966
R1206 3R126S101460 6D 5537F 5Z60D
R1206 3R126S101473 6D 5558F 5Z60E
R1205 3R125S101476 8D 5545E 5Z60H
R1206 3R126S101491 6D 5510A 5Z60K
R1205 3R125F101532 6D
R1205 3R125F101551 6D 540 std
R1254 3R124S101569 N/A5507A std online sale 2023 near Sandy UT
R1206 3R126S101589 Public Auction - Omaha World Herald (NE) 05-12-1978
R1205 3R125S101607 5503A std
"Recently dragged out of a field and back on the road" - 2023
R1206 3R126F101610 6D 533 std
Hover to see 1997 OH Registration info
R1254 3R124S101634 online sale
R1254 3R124S101673 N/A5530G 5Z60A
R1254 3R124S101684 listed on fb Market place (Lodi CA) in 2024
R1205 3R125S101718 6D online sale
R1205 3R125F101758 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 6-3-1973
R1205 3R125F101772 Public Auction - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA) 12-29-1969
R1205 3R125S101772 6D SPEC 5Z60A
5S101772 is rare SPEC (commercial) Corvan with deluxe trim, and has side windows on right side only.
R1205 3R125S101819 6D
R1205 3R125S101824 Public Auction - The Des Moines Register (IA) 6-7-1997
R1205 3R125S101826 6D 5503A std
R1205 3R125F101850 Public Auction - The Hartford Curant (CN) 9-13-1986
R1206 3R126S101893 6D ebay 2019
R1206 3R126F101901 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 3-9-1965
R1206 3R126S101928 6D 5541F 5Z60Q
R1206 3R126F101932 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 11-9-1966
R1206 3R126S101939 6D 5541F 5Z60R
R1206 3R126S102004 Public Auction - The Lordsburg Liberal (NM) 12-7-1973
R1254 3R124F102032 Public Auction - The News and Advance (Lynchburg VI) 12-19-1966
R1206 3R124S102048 6D std
This link shows the invoice for this vehicle.
R1254 3R124S102051 N/A5508A std
R1206 3R126S102113 Public Auction - The Commercial Appeal (TN) 9-3-2011
R1206 3R126S102115 6D 5532F 5Z60E
R1205 3R125F102122 8D 522 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126F102125 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
online sale 2022
R1206 3R126S102168 6D 5544F 5Z60Q
R1254 3R124S102286 N/A5526A std
R1206 3R126S102288 6D 5554F std Connell Collctn
R1206 3R126F102289 6D 519 Z60E Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S102307 6D no rear door windows
R1206 3R126S102318 Public Auction - The Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 6-11-1965
R1206 3R126F102322 6D
R1205 3R125F102372 ebay 2023
R1206 3R126S102375
R1205 3R125S102399 6D 528 std
R1206 3R126F102414 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126S102428 Public Auction - The Missoulian (MT) 6-16-1979
R1254 3R124S102437 N/A5521B std
S102437 was employed at the Edwards Air Test Center in the Mohave Desert; is under restoration.
R1206 3R126F102445 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126S102448 Public Auction - Chicago Homewood Flossmoor Star (IL) 9-25-1969
R1205 3R125S102482 Public Auction - Lake Charles American-Press (LA) 3-29-1963
R1205 3R125S102535 6D 5519A std Connell Collctn
R1205 3R125S102612 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta GA) 5-10-1969
November 1962 - Flint first s/n: F102701
R1206 3R126S102705 6D
online sale Also appeared on Reno Craigslist
R1254 3R124S102713 N/A5502A 5Z60A
This vehicle resides in Australia
R1206 3R126S102769 Public Auction - Evening World Herald (NE) 11-10-1963
R1206 3R126S102797 Public Auction - The Tampa Tribune (FL) 1-19-1966
R1254 3R124S102876 N/A5503A std
November 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S102894
R1254 3R124F102929 N/A558 Z60A Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S102933 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 12-8-1962
Registered to the Western Power and Gas Company
R1206 3R126S102983 6D 5532F 5Z60E ebay 2016
R1206 3R126S103047 8D
R1205 3R125F103052 6D 519A std
This link shows the shipper facsimile for this vehicle.
R1254 3R124S103065 N/A5540G 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S103068 Public Auction - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 11-27-1962
Registered to the Misle Chevrolet Co.
R1205 3R125S103073 Public Auction - Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX) 3-20-1977
R1205 3R125S103095 6D 5526A std
R1206 3R126S103135 6D on ebay 2024
R1206 3R126S103138 6D junk/parts
R1254 3R124S103190 Public Auction - Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 12-11-1963
R1254 3R124S103208 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 11-28-1962
R1254 3R124S103248 N/A5541G std
R1206 3R126S103253 6D for sale 2020
R1206 3R126F103254 6D 519 std ebay 2015
R1254 3R124S103273 N/A5535G 5Z60A
This link shows the van before restoration
R1205 3R125S103274 Public Auction - The Sacromento Bee 4-12-1967
R1254 3R124F103293 N/A505 std
S103293 originally serviced the Virginia Correctional Center for Women in Goochland, VA
R1254 3R124S103305 N/A5503A std
R1206 3R126S103317 6D 5503A std Connell Collection
R1205 3R125S103354 6D 5521A 5Z60H
R1206 3R126S103397 6D for sale at
R1206 3R126S103430 6D 5533F 5Z60X ebay 2016
R1205 3R125S103463 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7-9-1972
R1206 3R126S103483 6D from Corsa registry
R1206 3R126F103488 Public Auction-Mineral County Independent (NV) 5-12-1975
R1205 3R125S103503 6D
"Millerite Hydraulic Water Proofing, We Cover The Northwest, Bellgrade, Mont"
R1206 3R126F103519 6D
R1205 3R125S103522 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-21-1973
R1254 3R125S103527 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 8-13-1974
R1206 3R126S103590 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (Fl) 8-9-1963
R1206 3R126F103618 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7-23-1972
R1206 3R126F103629 6D 502 Z60E Corvair Ranch
R1254 3R124F103717 N/A528 Z60A
R1206 3R126S103717 6D 5554F 5Z60E
R1206 3R126F103744 Public Auction - The Orlando Sentinal (FL) 5-22-1966
December 1962 - St Louis first s/n: S103786
R1254 3R124F103805 sold Mecum auction 2023
R1254 3R124S103815 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 3R124S103866 N/A5507A std
R1205 3R125F103867 6D 537 std fb Mrktplce 2019
R1205 3R125F103887 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 3-31-1964
R1206 3R126S103890 Public Auction - The St. Bernard Voice (LA) 1-17-1964
R1205 3R125S103934 6D 5507A std
R1205 3R125S103943 Public Auction - The Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL) 11-8-73
R1205 3R125S103956 6D 5541E STD junker
R1205 3R125S103988 Public Auction - The Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Tx) 9-23-1975
R1205 3R125F104047 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7-25-1971
R1254 3R124S104067 N/A5521B std
This is the "Lazorus 2" Rampside described in the Tahoe by Truck articles published in issues of the Corsa Communique between October 1998 - May 1999. / This link shows the from March 1999 CC
December 1962 - Flint first s/n: F104101
R1206 3R126F104136 6D 544 std
R1206 3R126S104144 6D 5533F std junk/parts
R1254 3R124S104208 N/A5521A 5Z60N
S104208 was sold new with an Aluma-Craft Scamper Camper, at Alan Green Chevrolet, Burien, WA
R1206 3R125S104214
R1206 3R126S104258 6D 5533F
S104258 had engraving error in trim code ( xtd ) and rare FC 3.08 differential
R1206 3R126S104267 Public Auction - The Lordsburg Liberal (NM) 12-7-1973
R1206 3R126S104268 6D online sale
R1205 3R125S104275 6D SPC STD
Facebook Marketplace Florence Al 2023
R1205 3R125F104289 Public Auction - Wilmington News-Journal (OH) 4-24-1967
R1206 3R126F104290 6D 510 Z60K
R1254 3R124F104295 Z60N online sale 2022
R1206 3R126S104309 6D 5503A std
R1205 3R125F104332 6D 507 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S104332 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 6-12-1977
R1206 3R126S104333 Subject of a 1969 lawsuit
R1254 3R124S104369 N/ASPEC std
This potentially is a Bell Phone Company truck but needs confirmation.
R1205 3R125F104385 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 1-8-1965
R1206 3R126F104394 6D 514 std
/ F104394 has a camper interior / Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info (hover)
R1205 3R125S104399 6D
R1206 3R126S104402 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 2-1-1973
R1206 3R126S104404 8D 5558F 5Z60F
R1206 3R126S104419 6D ebay 2018
R1254 3R124S104421 N/A5541G 5Z60N
R1205 3R125F104431 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 7-18-1972
R1206 3R126F104441 6D 544 std
R1205 3R125F104450 Public Auction - The Times-News (Twin-Falls, IA) 7-23-1974
R1205 3R125S104473 Public Auction - Orlando Evening Sun (FL) 5-6-1971
R1206 3R126F104474 6D
R1254 3R124F104500 N/A521 std online sale
R1254 3R124F104524 N/ASPC std
R1254 3R125F104618
R1206 3R126F104631 544 std
R1205 3R125S104641 Public Auction - Tri City Herald (WA) 6-26-1979
R1254 3R124S104657
R1206 3R126F104706 on ebay, 2023
R1206 3R126F104712 6D 558 std junk/parts
R1206 3R126S104714 Lien Sale: Okmulgee Daily Times (OK) 4-14-2021
R1205 3R125S104719 6D 5507A std
R1206 3R125S104741 public record listing
R1206 3R126F104855 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Secaucus NJ) 10-29-1979
R1206 3R126F104948 Public Auction - Argus-Leader (Sioux-Falls, SD) 2-25-1972
R1254 3R124S105001 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-22-1963
R1206 3R126S105034 6D 5545F 5Z60R
Barr-Jacksn auction 2010
R1205 3R125S105046 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 8-21-1975
R1205 3R125F105051 6D This vehicle resides in France
This is a windowed Corvan and Dormobile camper / F105051 sold at an auction in France in 2017 / This link shows the vehicle public record / This link shows the inside of camper
R1205 3R125S105056 Registration Record - Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 3-28-1963
Registered to the DuTeau Chevrolet Company
R1206 3R126S105112 8D online sale
January 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S105122
R1206 3R126F105133 Public Auction - The Saginaw News (MI) 6-5-1964.
R1205 3R125S105156 8D 5544F std fb Marketplace 2021
R1206 3R126F105178 6D 538 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125F105224 Public Auction - Deseret News (NJ) 9-17-1971
R1205 3R125S105232 6D on ebay 2020
R1206 3R126S105244 Public Auction - The Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA) 6-16-1967
R1205 3R125S105290 6D 5503A std
S105290 is retrofitted with a mid-body (behind front seat) engine. / This link shows the engine
R1205 3R125S105305 8D 5535E 5Z60A
R1206 3R126S105309 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 10-14-1972
R1254 3R124S105347 N/ASPEC 5Z60N
R1205 4R126S105347
January 1963 - Flint first s/n: F105360
R1206 3R126F105368 Public Auction - The Tennessean (Nashville, TN) 5-11-1968
R1206 3R126S105371 6D 2019 mecum action
R1254 3R124S105441 N/ASPEC 5Z60A
R1206 3R126F105472 Public Auction - Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 4-26-1967
R1206 3R126F105478 6D [718A] [431A]
F105478 has a data plate moved from a 1961 Corvan or rampside.
R1205 3R125F105510 6D 538 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S105529 6D SPEC 5Z60A Southwestern Bell van
R1205 3R125S105587 6D 5545E 5Z60N
also see post on the
R1206 3R126F105607 Public Auction - Tampa Bay Times (FL) 3-31-1964
R1205 3R125S105611 6D online sale
R1206 3R126S105620 6D junker
R1205 3R125S105648 6D 5521B std
R1206 3R126S105694 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1254 3R124F105696 N/A514 Z60N
R1205 3R125S105708 Offered on facebook 2024
R1206 3R125S105721 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Trubune (UT) 8-19-1972
R1205 3R125S105738 6D 5526A std
R1254 3R124F105755 N/A541 std online sale
R1254 3R124S105755
S105755 currently holds record for earliest serial number with FC 102 HP engine (assembly mid Jan 61)
R1205 3R125S105767 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 4-4-1963
R1254 3R124S105770 N/A5537G std
R1206 3R126S105773 6D 5508A std
This vehicle now resides in Japan and was sold in an auction in 2021. This link shows it's appearance before being repainted.
R1205 3R125F105783 Public Auction - The Central New Jersey Home News (New Brunswick, NJ) 1-25-1990
R1205 3R125F105787 Notice of sale The Los Angeles times (CA) 9-15-1992
R1254 3R124S105799 N/A5541G 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F105806 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle. / another older record for S105806 was found at
R1206 3R126S105860 6D 554F std
This vehicle resides in Canada
R1205 3R125S105863 The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 1-30-1963
Registered to the Duteau Chevrolet Company
R1205 3R125F105881 8D
R1205 3R125S105906 6D SPEC std
Lettering on the side indicates that S105906 was a Western Bell Telephone van. Dealer sticker on the rear door is from Shellabarger Chevrolet out Casper Wy. In Rapid City, SD.
R1205 3R125F105931 6D 521 std
Original purchaser was Mount Olive Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN and sold by Reeder Chevrolet.
R1206 3R126S105932 6D 5544F std
R1206 3R126S105956 Whether vehicle exixts or not is unknown
This link shows the title for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125F105958 This link shows the dealer invoice R & J Motor Co. McConnellsburg, PA for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S105971 6D 5507A std
R1205 3R125F106028 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 7-17-1963
R1206 3R126S106048 6D
R1206 3R126F106076 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 12-20-1967
R1206 3R126S106079 8D 5558F std
R1206 3R126S106083 8D 5545F std
R1254 2R124F106099
R1254 3R124F106099
R1206 3R126S106106 6D 5508A std
R1205 3R125F106113 advertisement Weaver Chevrolet - The Daily Times (New Philadelphia, OH) 2-26-1963
R1205 3R125S106120 6D 5511[0?]A STD rim code misread?
R1254 3R124S106180 N/A5533G 5Z60A
R1205 3R125F106239 538 std
facebook marketplace 2024 Arroyo Grande, CA
R1254 3R124S106251 N/A5540G 5Z60A
R1254 3R124S106281 N/A5503A std
/ S106281 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice / Public Auction - The Sheveport Journal(LA) 12-4-70
R1206 3R126S106283 6D 5526A std
R1205 3R125S106285 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 4-17-1973_
R1206 3R126S106313 6D 5544F 5Z60E
R1205 3R125S106325 6D 5528C 5Z60C
There is a truck shipper for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S106347 6D craigslist 2022
Twisted Sisters Bakery van / This link shows the rear doors
R1206 3R126F106363 There is a 2004 Ohio title registration record for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S106408 6D 5558F 5Z60D ebay 2017
R1205 3R125S106424 6D 5521A 5Z60N
R1205 3R125S106443 Public Auction - Lake Charles American-Press (LA) 3-29-1963
R1254 3R124F106460 N/A544 Z60H
R1205 3R125F106519 advertisement Weaver Chevrolet - The Daily Times (New Philadelphia, OH) 2-26-1963
February 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S106529
R1254 3R124F106582 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 3R125S106612 8D 5541E 5Z60H
R1254 3R124S106617 N/A5514A std
This vehicle resides in Canada
R1254 3R124S106637
The window sticker posed with the ad for S1066637 is a repro; Rampsides did not have window stickers and it even has a typo in the paint code.
R1205 3R125S106650 classified The Republic (Columbus, IN) 4-3-1978
R1205 3R125F106652 6D 514 Z60N
R1205 3R125S106695 Public Auction - Abilene Reporter News (TX) 2-27-1978
R1205 3R125F106720 6D 540 Z60C junk/parts
R1254 3R124S106721 N/A5526A
R1205 3R125S106743 6D 540F STD
R1205 3R125F106751 6D 533 Z60A
R1205 3R125S106764 6D 5544E 5Z60N
February 1963 - Flint first s/n: F106795
R1206 3R126S106796 Public Auction - St Louis Dispatch (MO) 11-28-1987
R1254 3R124F106802
R1205 3R125S106805 Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal (NV) 2-16-1968
R1206 3R126S106814 6D 5540F std
This link shows the before Rat Fink Tribute paint job
R1205 3R125S106824 6D 5507A std
R1254 [1R124S106838] N/A5544G Z60N
S106838 is actually a 1963 model but has had its VIN plate replaced.
R1254 3R124S106865 Craigslist 2020
R1254 3R124S106891 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1205 3R125S106897 6D
R1205 3R125S106908 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Iowa) 3-8-1963
R1206 3R126F106948 6D 526 std
R1254 3R124F107009 on ebay 2020
R1205 3R125S107014 6D
R1206 3R126S107050 6D online sale
R1206 3R126S107101 6D 5558F std
R1254 3R124S107105 N/A5541G 5Z60N
R1254 3R124S107107 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1254 3R124S107118 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1254 3R124S107127 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F107138 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD ) 10-1-1972
R1254 3R124F107143 N/A545 Z60N
R1254 3R124S107156 N/A5545G 5Z60N
R1206 3R126S107176 6D 5532F std
R1206 3R126F107178 6D 5544F std
This link shows the car shipper for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S107279 dealer ad Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, IL) 5-28-1965
R1205 3R125S107280 6D 5526A 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F107302 6D [538] [std]
F107302 - not original data plate for this dlx GB
R1254 3R124F107307 N/A544 std
R1205 3R125S107322 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 3-15-1972
R1254 3R124S107331 N/A5507 std
R1254 3R124S107357 N/A5521A 5Z60N
R1206 3R126S107374 6D 5526A std junk/parts
R1254 3R124S107378 N/A5521A 5Z60N
R1254 3R124S107410 N/A5503A 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S107414 Public Auction - The Galt Herald (CA) 11-9-1967
There is a for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S107416 Public Auction - The Ithaca Journal (NY) 2-7-67
R1254 3R124S107438 N/A5503A (5Z60A)
This vehicle resides in England
R1206 3R126F107448 Public Auction - Ventura County Star (Camarillo CA) 1-16-1970
R1206 3R126S107454 has 102HP engine
R1205 3R125S107468 6D 5503A std
for sale online 2023 Gladstone Oregon
R1254 3R124S107494 Public Auction - Palo Alto Times (CA) 11-2-1963
R1206 3R126F107516 6D
R1205 3R125S107518 8D 1987 CorvanAntics vol 15(7)
R1254 3R124F107531 N/A544 Z60N
R1254 3R124S107537
R1254 3R124S107550 N/A5537G 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S107576 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 8-12-1973
R1205 3R125S107620 6D
R1254 3R124S107636 N/A5537G std
R1254 3R124S107677 N/A5541G 5Z60N ebay 2023
Here is this Rampside with an earlier paint job .
R1205 3R125S107681 Public Auction - Austin American-Statesman (TX) 3-16-1975
R1254 3R124S107693 N/A5544G std
R1206 3R126S107704 Public Auction - The Beaufort Gazette (SC) 2-4-1971
R1205 3R125F107709 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 9-8-1974
R1254 3R124S107740 N/A5528A STD junker
R1205 3R125S107749 6D 507A 5Z60B
R1205 3R125S107818
R1254 3R124S107822 N/A5544G std ebay 2018
R1254 3R124S107824 N/A5541G std
R1254 3R124S107875 online sale 2019
R1254 3R124F107899 N/A502 std online sale 2019
R1254 3R124S107900 N/A5519A 5Z60A junk/parts
March 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S107921
R1254 3R124S107936 N/A5507A 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S107958 Public Auction - The Sun-Advocate (UT) 9-18-196
R1205 3R125S108000 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (Fl) 5-21-1970
R1205 3R125S108020 6D 5521B std
This vehicle resides in Germany / This link shows the 2007 image
R1205 3R125S108039 6D
R1254 3R124F108042 N/A503 Z60A in junkyard
R1205 3R125S108059 6D 5540E 5Z60A Connell Collctn
R1206 3R126F108077 6D 5537G 5Z60
R1206 3R126S108088 A historical record found here
R1205 3R125F108091 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (MI) 4-4-1964
R1205 3R125S108120 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 3-23-1963
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1254 3R124F108120 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126S108123 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 4-6`-1963
R1254 3R124S108135 online sale
R1205 3R125S108140 6D 5508A STD junker
R1254 3R124S108171 N/A5545_ 5Z60_
R1254 3R124S108199 N/A5541G 5Z60N
R1254 3R124F108227 N/A528 std
March 1963 - Flint first s/n: F108250
R1206 3R126F108256 6D 522 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125F108276 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 4-23-1963
R1205 3R125S108285 6D 5540E 5Z60A Known from a copy of shipper
R1205 3R125F108316 6D 537 std
R1254 3R124S108332 N/A5544G 5Z60N
/ S108332 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice. Sold Mecum auction 2022 / Public Auction - Reno Gazette-Journal (NV) 10-24-2007
R1205 3R125F108406 Public Auction - The South Bend Tribune (IN) 12-9-1968
R1254 3R124S108407 online sale
R1206 3R126S108408 Public Auction - The Park City Daily News (UT) 5-27-1974
R1254 3R124S108421 N/A5526A 5Z60N
R1205 3R125S108428 6D I-15 Auctions 2020
R1205 3R125S108451 6D 5540E 5Z60A
S108451 was sold at the 2013 Lambrecht Chevrolet auction in Pierce, Nebraska. It had 46 miles on the odometer and sold for $19,950. Story is in the CORSA Communique Nov/Dec 2013 pp 18-20.
R1254 3R124S108467 2018 body shell
R1254 3R124S108471 N/A5521B std
R1254 3R124S108476 on Craigslist & under restoration in May 2018
R1254 3R124S108484 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 10-15-1889
R1205 3R125S108485 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 3-28-1963(2)
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1205 3R125S108486 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 5-25-1963
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1205 3R125S108505 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 4-9-1963
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1254 3R124S108512 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 5-29-1963
R1205 3R125S108517 6D 5526A std
R1254 3R124S108537 N/A5540G 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S108538 Public Auction - The Bradenton Herald (FL) 10-17-1966
R1205 3R125S108573 6D 5514A std
S108573 was previously owned by the Valley of the Moon Fire Dept, CA
R1205 3R125S108598 8D 5521A 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F108606 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126S108610 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 8-23-1963
R1205 3R125S108615 Public Auction - Albuquerque Journal (NM) 6-30-1971
R1254 3R124F108621 N/A514 std
R1254 3R124S108667 N/A5528A 5Z60A craigslist 2023
R1205 3R125S108673 6D 5507A 5Z60A
R1206 3R126F108705 6D 5544F std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S108722 6D
S108722 is confirmed to have been a Phone Company supervisors s van.
R1254 3R124S108755 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F108820 8D 541 Z60T Corvair ranch
R1254 3R124S108829 online sale
R1205 3R125F108831 8D 544 Z60N
F108831 shows evidence of having been a Fire department vehicle.
R1206 3R126F108839 Public Auction - The Indianapolis Star (IN) 11-19-1971
R1254 3R124S108862 N/A5537G std
R1205 3R125S108869 6D online sale
R1254 3R124S108907 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1254 3R124S108932 online sale 2015
R1254 3R124S108953 5Z60A
R1254 3R124S108956 This link shows the vehicle title for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125F108958 Public Auction - Wilson Daily Times (Wilson, NC) 1-22-1972
R1205 3R125F108958 Public Auction - Wilson Daily Times (Wilson, NC) 1-22-1972
R1205 3R125S108972 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 4-6-1963
Registered to Modern Cleaners
R1205 3R125F109000 6D missing dataplate
R1205 3R125S109011 8D 5537E 5Z60A
R1206 3R126F109023 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126F109062 Public Auction - The Record (Hackensack, NJ) 2-29-1964
R1205 3R125F109103 8D 505 std junk/parts
R1254 3R124S109136 N/A5533G 5Z60A
R1206 3R126F109142 6D 544 Z60R body rusted out
R1254 3R124S109150 This vehicle resides in Canada
R1254 3R124S109187 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1206 3R126S109199 6D 5540F std junk/parts
R1206 3R126S109217 6D 5538F 5Z60E
R1206 3R126S109242 8D 5558F 5Z60F
R1206 3R126S109271 6D 5514A STD
R1254 3R124S109287 N/A5544G 5Z60N
R1205 3R125F109291 6D ebay 2016
R1254 3R124F109294 N/A526 std
R1205 3R125S109305 6D std junk/parts
R1206 3R126F109309 Public Auction - The News Pilot (Los Angelos, CA) 12-6-1984
R1254 3R124S109352 Data plate missing
S109352 is propelled with a 1972 Chevy 305HP pickeup engine
R1254 3R124S109357 Public Auction - The Los Angeles Times (CA) 4-10-1980
R1206 3R126S109402 6D junker
R1206 3R126S109419 6D 5544F STD junker
R1206 3R126S109439 6D 5544F 5Z60E
April 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S109457
R1206 3R126F109459 6D 544 Z60R
R1205 3R125S109468 6D 5526A std Connell Collctn
R1254 3R124S109476 spotted in Seattle area
R1254 3R124F109485 N/A514 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126F109539 6D online sale
R1254 3R124S109573 online sale
R1206 3R126S109574 Public Auction - The Uintah BasinStandard (Duchesne UT) 7-31-1975
R1206 3R126S109576 6D online sale
R1254 3R124S109598 This link shows the VINPlate
The VIN plate of S109598 is embossed with 'C-63-204', a government purchase code.
R1206 3R126F109609 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-30-1977
R1206 3R126S109616 6D Craigslist 2018 SanDiego
R1254 3R124S109647 N/A5530G 5Z60A
April 1963 - Flint first s/n: F109651
R1206 3R126F109697 6D 533 std
R1206 3R126S109761 6D This link shows the as it appeared in 2020 on ebay
Online auction 2025; has Modello Beer advertisementrs on both dsides
R1254 3R124F109765 ebay 2018
R1206 3R126F109807 SE Florida Business Journal Legal notices 2-22-2019
R1206 3R126S109808 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 11-28-1963_
R1206 3R126F109819 6D
R1205 3R125F109858 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 2-7-1967
R1206 3R126F109859 Public Auction - The Record (Hackensack, NJ) 12-28-1965
R1254 3R124S109869 online sale
R1254 3R124S109888 N/A5526A 5Z60N
R1205 3R125S109892 6D 5503A std
R1205 3R125S109918 6D 5526A std Craigslist 2020
R1206 3R126S109919 6D 5544FA 5Z60K
R1206 3R126F109937 6D auctioned 2008
R1206 3R126S109937 6D 5540F 5Z60J auctioned in 2019
This vehicle resides in Germany
R1254 3R124F109956 N/A522 std
R1254 3R124F109973 N/A507 std
R1205 3R125S110022 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 52-1963
Registered to the Western Power and Gas Company
R1206 3R126S110037 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 5-12-1973
R1206 3R126F110076 Public Auction - Press and Sun-Bulletin (Binghamton, NY) 2-28-1964
F110076 also appeared in a Public Auction - Press and Sun-Bulletin (Binghamton, NY) 2-24-1966 two years later
R1206 3R126S110110 6D 5540F 5Z60J
R1205 3R125S110133 6D 5526A std
S110133 was originally owned by the Santa Fe Book & Stationary Co.
R1205 3R125S110137 Public Auction - Wise County Messenger (Decatur, TX) 1-16-1975
R1205 3R125S110139 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-21-1963
R1205 3R125S110144 Public Auction - Orlando Evening Star (FL) 12-15-1971
R1206 3R126S110156 6D 5500A std junk/parts
R1205 3R125S110231 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-4-1963
R1206 3R125S110262 6D 5521F std
R1254 3R124S110266 This is a well documented Southwest Bell phone company vehicle
This link shows the 1968 registration for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S110299 6D
R1206 3R126S110314 6D 5514A 5Z60R online sale 2019
R1205 3R125F110360 558 Z60B Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126S110400 6D 5521A 5Z60Q
R1205 3R125F110428 Public Auction - Winston Salem Journal (NC) 11-3-1970
R1205 3R125S110441 6D This link shows the installment plan for this vehicle.
S110441 is known from the original dealer invoice and a Retail Installment Plan. / This link shows the dealer invoice for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S110462 6D online sale
R1205 3R125F110479 8D 505 std
R1205 3R125F110551 8D 507 std
R1205 3R125S110558 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune ( (UT) 7-24-1979
R1205 3R125S110565 The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KT) 2-12-1972
R1205 3R125S110569 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 6-13-1963
Registered to Dahl Vendors Company
R1206 3R126S110576 6D
R1206 3R126S110619 6D
R1206 3R126F110619 6D 526 Z60R
Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
R1205 3R125S110621 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 6-28-196_
R1205 3R125S110626 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-10-1963
R1206 3R126S110652 6D for sale fb 2020
R1206 3R126S110685 6D 5537F STD junker
R1254 3R124S110716 has been scrapped
R1205 3R125F110716 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 8-12-1964
R1206 3R126S110744 6D junker
R1205 3R125S110745 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 6-15-1963
Registered to Novo Leasing Company
R1205 3R125S110768 This link shows the Owner Protection Plan for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S110774 6D
R1254 3R124S110777 N/A5526AA std
The cowl plate of S110777appears to have been moved from a 1964 vehicle.
R1206 3R126S110795 6D 5541F 5Z60R
R1205 3R125S110817 The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 4-14-1973
R1205 3R125F110829 6D This vehicle resides in Belgium
R1205 3R125S110832 This link shows the NY Registration for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S110836 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 5-9-1963
R1206 3R126S110857 6D ebay 2019
May 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S110862
R1206 3R126F110864 6D 528 std
This link shows the Custom rear hatch door
R1206 3R126S110891 6D 5541F 5Z60Q
R1205 3R125S110896 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 7-26-1963
Registered to the Davis Child Mtr Company
R1205 3R125F110934 bank auction The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 3-23-1970
R1205 3R125S110936 6D SPEC STD junker
R1205 3R125S110938 6D 5510A STD
R1205 3R125S110946 6D 5521A 5Z60N
S110946 is a camper located in Germany / This vehicle resides in Germany
R1205 3R125S110962 6D 5537E 5Z60A
R1206 3R126S110970 6D 5526A 5Z60R
R1205 3R125F110989 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 12-14-1964
R1206 3R126F110990 6D online sale 2021
R1205 3R125S110991 Public Auction - Coastline Dispatch (San Clemente CA) 1-8-1969
R1206 3R126S110993 6D
R1205 3R125F111005 Public Auction - The Bridgeport Post (CT) 6-3-1964
R1205 3R125F111006 Public Auction - Syracuse Post Standard (NY) 6-8-1966
R1205 3R125S111012 6D 5521B std
R1205 3R126S111037 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta GA) 5-12-1973
R1254 3R124S111114 N/A5537G std
May 1963 - Flint first s/n: F111124
R1254 3R124S111127 N/A545 Z60N
R1254 3R124F111182
F111182 has engine with both car and FC oil filler tubes.
R1205 3R125S111224 Public Auction - Redlands Daily Facts (CA) 6-13-1967
R1205 3R126S111273 6D This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report: for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S111293 6D
R1206 3R126F111307 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 4-16-1972
R1205 3R125S111319 Public Auction - Alamogordo Daily News (NM) 11-3-1972
R1254 3R124S111322 This link shows the Owner Protection Plan for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S111356 6D 5537F std has been scrapped
R1205 3R125F111392 Public Auction - Centre Daily Times (State College PA) 7-13-1973
R1205 3R125S111392 6D 5521B std
R1206 3R126S111471 6D 549E std
The cowl plate of S111471 appears to have been moved from a 1962 Corvan.
R1254 3R124F111473 N/ASPEC std
junk/parts / VIN plate has "C 63 299" code
R1205 3R125S111499
R1205 3R125S111542 8D 5505A std
R1206 3R126S111544 6D 5526A std
S111544 was an ambulance for St Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix. / This link shows the rear view
R1206 3R126F111544 6D 540 Z60X
R1206 3R126F111549 6D 507 std
R1205 3R125S111572 6D 5526A std
R1205 3R125S111624 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 6-21-1963
Registered to Duteau Chevrolet
R1205 3R125S111636 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 6-12-1963
R1205 3R125F111637 Public Auction - The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) 7-71971
R1205 3R125F111662 6D 5544E std
This link shows the shipper facimile for this vehicle.
R1205 3R125S111712 Advertisement - The Tacoma News_Tribune (WA) 10-22-1974
R1205 3R125F111725 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7-9-1972
R1205 3R125S111729 6D
Fb 2023; This is a Corvan with COPO rear windows on both sides.
R1206 3R126S111733 6D online sale
R1206 3R126F111736 6D 541 Z60Q Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126S111746 6D 5545L 5Z60R
R1205 3R125F111760 Public Auction - The Flint Journal (MI) 6-8-1966
R1205 3R125S111777 6D SPEC 5Z60N
S111777 appears to be a Phone Co van.
R1206 3R126F111847 6D data plate is missing
R1205 3R125S111851
R1206 3R126S111856 6D 5545F 5Z60Q
R1254 3R124S111866 2018 Mecum Auction
R1205 3R125S111933 6D 5537E 5Z60A
R1205 3R125S111941 6D parts van
R1254 3R124S111944 N/A5544G std
R1205 3R125S112021 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-20-1963
Registered to the Novo Leasing Company
R1206 3R126S112029 6D
R1205 3R125F112031 6D 505 std
R1206 3R126S112054 6D 5528A std
R1205 3R125F112077 Public Auction - The Muskegon Chronicle (MI) 5-29-1964
R1206 3R126S112091 6D 5502A std
R1205 3R125F112104 Public Auction - Daily Record (Morristown, NJ) 7-20-1984
R1206 3R126F112166 505 std only VIN and dataplate exist
R1205 3R125F112184 6D 507 std
This vehicle resides in Belgium
R1206 3R126F112225 6D 541 Z60Q
R1254 3R124F112248 N/A544 std
R1206 3R126S112252 6D
auctioned in 2022 by BigIron Autions #HH8696 in Gothenburg, NE. Has 102 HP engine.
R1205 3R125F112253 6D 505 std junk/parts
June 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S112268
R1206 3R126S112281 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Times (UT) 4-2-1965
R1206 3R126S112316 6D 5526A std
R1205 3R125S112353 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-13-1963
Registered to the Novo Leasing Company
R1205 3R125F112354 Public Auction - The Star Ledger (Newark NJ) 1-24-1969
R1206 3R126S112361 8D 5554F std
R1206 3R126S112424 6D 5545F 5Z60R
R1254 3R124S112426 N/A5541G 5Z60N
sold at BAT auction 2023
R1206 3R126F112447 Public Auction - Hartford Courant (CT) 12-8-1971
R1205 3R125F112455 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126S112504 6D 5544F std
R1205 3R125S112530 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-6-1963
R1254 3R124S112530 N/A5521A 5Z60N
R1206 3R126F112550 6D 545 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S112569 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 7-12-1963
Registered to the Novo Leasing Company
June 1963 - Flint first s/n: F112592
R1206 3R126S112594 6D
R1206 3R126F112599 6D 508 Z60D
R1205 3R125S112632 6D online sale
R1254 3R124F112693 Public Auction - The Post Standard (Syracuse, NY) 1-3-1964
R1254 3R124S112698 N/A5526A solid off-white
/ S112698 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice / Public Auction - The Paducah Sun (KT) 7-19-1979
R1206 3R126S112741 Public Auction
This Greenbrier appeared in an auction in Limestone Maine in 1994
R1205 3R125F112757 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 1-12-1966
R1206 3R126S112761 dealer ad Progress Bulletin (Pomona, CA) 10-17-1969
R1205 3R125S112818 Public Auction - The Independent-Record (Helena MT)4-3-1972
R1206 3R126F112822 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 9-12-1963
R1206 3R126F112826 Public Auction - Wausau Daily Herald (WI) 6-1-1977
Leader Telegram (Eau Claire, WI) 6-2-1977
R1206 3R125S112837 Public Auction - Playground Daily News (Fort Walton Beach,FL) 6-6-1968
R1205 3R125S112858 6D 5521B std
R1206 3R126F112882 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition 9-12-1963
R1206 3R126S112893 6D
R1206 3R126F112896 This link shows the Invoice from Ashley Chevrolet, Baltimore, MD for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S112906 8D 5541F std
R1206 3R126F112908 OPP shows thtis GB had a 102HPO engine
This link shows the Owner Protection Plan for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S112920 5545F std
R1206 3R126F112936 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 9-14-1972
R1206 3R126F112964 6D 503 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126F112995 6D 532 std
R1205 3R125S113010 6D Craigslist, Oklahoma, 2023
This link shows the Title for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S113032 6D 5535F std Corvair Ranch
R1205 3R125S113067 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 9-11-1970
R1205 3R125F113081 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 3R124F113095 In CORSA Registry
R1206 3R126F113111 Public Auction - Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GE) 5-22-71
R1254 3R124S113123 N/A5512[0?]A STD junker
R1205 3R125S113220 6D junker
R1206 3R126F113244 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 3-27-1977
R1206 3R126S113248 6D
R1254 3R124S113257 Public Auction - The Idaho Statesman (Boise, ID) 5-20-1974
R1205 3R125S113259 5521B std
R1254 3R124S113267 sold at BaT 2018
R1254 3R124S113276 N/A5558G 5Z60A junker
R1205 3R125S113277 Public Auction - Nevada State Journal (Reno NV) 3-30-1974
R1206 3R126S113297 6D was scrapped
R1254 3R124S113302
R1206 3R126S113333 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 8-11-1973.
R1206 3R126F113371 6D 540 Z60K
R1205 3R125F113412 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 9-25-1977
R1206 3R126S113475 Public Auction - The Sacromento Bee (CA) 1-24-1969
July 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S113548
R1206 3R126F113555 Public Auction - The Morning News (Wilmngton, DE) 8-12-1971
R1205 3R125S113565 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 7-26-1963(2)
Registered to the Davis Child Chevrolet, Hutchinson, KA
R1206 3R126F113602 Public Auction - Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GE) 4-4-70
R1206 3R126F113606 6D 558 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 3R126S113654
Condition of S113654 is unknown because the owner believes that this registry is a waste of time and thus will not share any information about the vehicle.
R1206 3R126F113654 8D 5514A std
S113654 is the -'Firebrier' - former Malden-West Camp Fire Company emergency vehicle - now restored. / This link shows the original shipper for this vehicle. / Click this link to go to the restoration thread
R1205 3R125F113738 Public Auction - Richmond Times Dispatch (VI) 4-3-1965
R1205 3R125F113762 6D 521 Z60N
R1206 3R126S113769 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta GA) 4-13-1974
R1205 3R125S113771 6D SPEC std
S113771 is a rare Corvan with side windows and a VIN plate istamped with a government Bid code, C-63-299. / There is a Window sticker for this vehicle. / This link shows the VIN plate
R1206 3R126F113802 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 1-26-1975
R1206 3R126S113849 5541A 5Z60
R1206 3R126S113850 6D
R1254 3R124S113873 ebay 2018
R1206 3R126F113885 6D 507 std
R1206 3R126S113890 6D was scrapped
R1206 3R126S113906 6D 5537F std
R1206 3R126S113921 8D 5521F std
July 1963 - Flint first s/n: F113928
R1206 3R126S113945 The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 7-17-1963
R1206 3R126F113958 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal (Secaucus NJ) 3-6-1970
R1206 3R126S113975 Public Auction - The Shreveport Journal (LA) 10-18-1968
R1206 3R126S113998 6D 5533F std
R1206 3R126F114031 Public Auction - The Arizona Daily Sun 9-18-1974
R1205 3R125F114091 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-10-1971
R1206 3R126S114093 6D 5510A std
R1205 3R125F114108 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 3-13-1977
R1206 3R126F114116 6D online sale
R1206 3R126S114126 6D 5521B std
R1206 3R126S114184 6D Barr-Jacksn Auction 2014
R1205 3R125S114185 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AR) 5-7-1973
R1206 3R126F114190 6D 558 Z60E
R1205 3R125F114208 The Flint Journal (MI) 12-15-1964
R1206 3R126S114258 6D 5558F std for sale ebay 2020
R1206 3R126S114266 6D 5507A std
R1206 3R126S114273 6D online sale 2023
R1205 3R125S114300 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 8-9-1963
Registered to the Western Power and Gas Company
R1206 3R126S114355 6D online sale
R1205 3R125S114359 6D 521A std
This vehicle resides in Belgium
R1205 3R125S114360 6D SPEC std
R1206 3R126S114366 6D 5540F std
R1206 3R126S114377 8D
R1206 3R126S114378 Public Auction - Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 9-13-1974
R1206 3R126S114404 Public Auction - The South Idaho Press (Burley ID) 5-22-1973
R1206 3R126S114406 6D 5554F std
R1206 3R126F114411 Public Auction - The Times (Munster, IN) 10-31-1965
R1206 3R126S114413 6D 5533F std junker
R1206 3R126S114423 6D online sale
R1206 3R126S114431 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 4-23-1985
R1254 3R124F114438 N/A538 Z60A
R1206 3R126F114443 Public Auction - St Tammany Farmer (LA) 6-10-1971
R1206 3R126F114450 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 4-16-1972
R1206 3R126S114510 6D for sale, facebook 2022
R1206 3R126S114540 Public Auction - The Boston Globe (MA) 9-21-1972
R1206 3R126S114545 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 8-29-1963
R1206 3R126S114546 6D 5524A std
R1206 3R126S114591 on ebay 2020
R1205 3R125F114595 6D Craigslist, Tierrasanta San Diego CA
R1206 3R126S114600 6D Mecum auction 2018
R1206 3R126S114636 6D 5521B std
R1206 3R126S114650 6D 5526A std
R1206 3R126S114703 Public Auction - Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Iowa) 12-29-1973
R1206 3R126S114728 6D 5510A std
R1206 3R126S114774 Public Auction - The Ogden Standard-Examiner (UT) 2-1-1975
R1206 3R126S114778 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Trubune (UT) 9-13-1973
R1205 3R125S114842 6D SPEC STD
This is a confirmed phone company van; probably from the GTE system. / This link shows the GTE creed sticker for this vehicle.
R1206 3R126S114856 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 1-18-1972
R1206 3R126S114870 6D 5537F std
R1206 3R126S114898 6D 5503A std
R1206 3R126F114907 6D 544 Z60R
R1206 3R126F115094 Public Auction - Stickney Life and Forest View (Berwyn, IL) 11-1-1970
R1206 3R126F115098 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 3R126F115123 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 3R125F115136 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 11-12-1972
August 1963 - Flint last s/n: F115211 (only FC in August)
R1206 3R126S118233 Advertisement -The Daily Republic (TFairfield CA) 10-28-1968
R1254 3R124F10780 N/A540 std
R1206 no VIN 6D 5559AB 5Z60JA
September 1963 - St Louis production begins 100001
ModelVINvan doorsPaint
Trim CodeInformation
R1205 4R125S100003 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (lincoln NE) 11-13-1963(2)
Registered to Schrier Food Inc
R1206 4R126S100006 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 11-28-1963
Registered to Misle Chevrolet, Lincoln NE
R1206 4R126S100008 6D
S100008 is mentioned in CorvanAntics Vol 9(#1) 1981
R1254 4R124S100035 N/A503A std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S100073 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff AR) 5-4-1972
R1254 4R124S100130 N/A5521DA std In CorvairKid Registry
S100130 appears in a classified ad in the Sept-Oct 2010 Corvan Antics.
R1206 4R126S100153 6D 5540AB std
R1254 4R124S100203 N/A5533AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S100268 6D
R1205 4R125S100274 6D 5521CZ std
R1254 4R124S100294 N/A5544AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S100298 6D
R1206 4R126S100304 6D 5544AB std
R1205 4R125S100346 6D 5526AA std
R1205 4R125S100353 Public Auction - Lincoln Journal Star (NE) 6-24-1973
There is a record of this Corvan's registration in The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 10-3-1963
R1206 4R126F100360 6D 537 std
R1205 4R125S100360 8D 5514AA STD junker
For this vehicle there is a registration record in The Daily Reporter (NE) 10-3-1963
R1205 4R125S100385 Public Auction - Concord Transcript 11-31-1973
R1254 4R124S100440 In CorvairKid Registry
Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 11-10-1987
R1206 4R126S100444 6D 5537AG std
R1205 4R125S100466 6D 5521CA std ebay 2022
R1206 4R126F100481 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camdem, NJ) 12-9-1971
R1206 4R126S100499 6D 5503AA std
R1205 4R125S100516 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (lincoln NE) 11-13-1963
Registered to Charlies Electric / Colfax Chevrolet WI
R1205 4R125S100531 6D 5541AA std
R1205 4R125S100534 6D online sale
R1206 4R126S100534 6D
R1205 4R125S100538 6D 5528AA std
S100538 was formerly the service van for the Gaehwiler John Co, San Fransisco / This vehicle resides in Netherlands
R1254 4R124S100590 N/A5537AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F100614 6D 528 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S100624 6D 5521CA std
R1206 4R126S100625 Public Auction - South Idaho Press (ID) 8-16-1977
R1206 4R126S100627 6D from Corsa registry
R1206 4R126S100657 6D in salvage yard
R1254 4R124F100680 N/A528 Z60 In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S100689 6D onloine sale 2025; reportedly is in Europe
R1254 4R124F100690 N/A509 Z60 In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S100713 N/A5526AA 5Z60AB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S100718 6D 5508AA std
R1254 4R124F100726 N/A514 std
R1254 4R124S100728 N/A5521DA 5Z60AB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F100733 6D image is from 2001
R1205 4R125S100740 8D 5521BB std
November 1964 [October - Worker Strike] -- First s/n after strike: S100748
R1254 4R124F100778 N/A540 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S100803 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 10-12-1963
Registered to the Knight Plumbing & Heating Company
R1205 4R125S100809 8D for sale 2020
October 1963 - Flint first s/n: F100809
R1254 4R124S100812 N/A5503AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S100819
R1205 4R125S100841 6D 5526AA std
/ S100841 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice: / Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 11-12-1980
R1206 4R126F100848 Advertisement - The Daily Republic (CA) 10-13-1969
R1254 4R124S100857 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 3-4-65
R1206 4R126S100904 6D 5544AB std
R1205 4R125S100922 6D junker
R1205 4R125S100928 6D 5541AA 5Z60AB
S100928 is a Dormmobile camper. VIN plate is pop-rivetted on.
R1205 4R125F100954 6D 503 std Corvair Ranch
R1206 4R126S100973
S100973 has a plate shown here indicating outfitting by Sleeper Corporation Serial Number E.1004
R1206 4R126S101017 Public Auction - The Miami News (FL) 12-13-1971
R1254 4R124S101035 N/A5537AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S101038 6D online auction 2022
R1206 4R124S101040 6D (5Z60)
R1206 4R126S101074 6D This link shows the sunroof
This figure shows an alarm on/off switch mounted on the left fender. If you know of the where abouts of this van please contact the Corvanatics webmaster.
R1206 4R126S101118 Public Auction - The Atlanta Constitution (GA) 3-17-1973
R1254 4R124S101137 N/A5537AC 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S101177 6D 522 std
F101177 has a hatch type rear door and a VW engine! / This vehicle resides in Uraguay / This link shows the engine
R1206 4R124F101177 6D 522 std
R1206 4R126S101183 6D 5544AB 5Z60EB junker
R1206 4R126S101197 6D
R1205 4R125F101216 Public Auction - Park Forest South Star (Park Forest, IL) 2-27-1975
R1206 4R126S101218 Public Auction - The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA) 12-6-1977
R1254 4R124S101240 N/A5537AC 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S101248 6D 5540AB 5Z60DB
R1206 4R126F101303 6D 537 std in junkyard
R1254 4R124S101335 N/A5544AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S101339 Public Auction - El Paso Times (TX) 1-14-1974
R1206 4R126S101349 6D 5507AA std Connell Collectn
R1206 4R126S101372 6D
Sold in auction by Sullivan Auctioneers, Giltner, NE, in 2024 (# IL7104). Rough condition, possibly restorable. Has large AC unit mounted on roof.
R1254 4R124F101414 N/A510 std In CorvairKid Registry
The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 11-5-63 / Was originally registered to the Novo Leasing Co.
R1206 4R126S101418 6D 5503AA std
R1254 4R124S101424 In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S101431 has been scrapped
R1205 4R125F101444 The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 2-19-1966
R1206 4R126S101451 6D Data plate missing
R1206 4R126S101453 6D online sale
R1205 4R125S101455 6D 5521CA std
R1254 4R124F101482 N/A521 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S101486 N/A5503AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S101538 6D 5545BC 5Z60EB
R1206 4R126S101540 6D
listed for sale in CorvanAntics 1999 Vol 27 #5 pg 2
R1206 4R126S101541 6D std
R1206 4R126F101553 6D 500 Z60 Corvair Ranch
R1206 4R126S101586 6D
R1254 4R124F101605 N/A538 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F101619 6D 507 Z60
R1254 4R124S101623 In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S101629 N/A5505AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F101635 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 4-16-1972
R1254 4R124S101686 N/A5507AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S101696 6D
R1205 4R125S101701 8D 5507AA std
R1206 4R126S101704 6D 5545BA 5Z60EB
R1205 4R125F101710 Public Auction - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester NY) 9-1-1964
R1254 4R124S101727 N/A5503AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S101732 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S101752 6D 5544AB 5Z60EB
Logo on sides read "Superior Auto Parts and Delivery Full Service Center"
R1205 4R125S101760 6D 5558AB std
R1254 4R124S101788 N/A5507AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124F101793 N/A514 Z60 In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S101808 6D 5507AA std junk/parts
R1205 4R125S101852 8D 5507A std
R1206 4R126S101876 6D 5544AB std Connell Collctn
R1206 4R126S101902 6D 5541AB 5Z60EB
This vehicle resides in Belgium
November 1963 - Flint first s/n: F101905
R1206 4R126S101916 6D 5521CA std
R1206 4R126S101924 6D online sale
R1206 4R126S101932 6D 5544AB 5Z60EB junker
R1205 4R125F101934 Public Auction - The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 5-12-1971
R1254 4R124S101939 N/A5526AA 5Z60AB In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S101951 This link shows the owner protection plan for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S101970 8D
R1254 4R124S101986 552?AA std In CorvairKid Registry
S101986 is missing one number from the paint code, most likely the 4th number that would give the RPO of a solid exterior color corresponding with the AA ECL.
R1205 4R125F102001 6D 544 Z60 Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S102030 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 11-14-1963
Registered to the Novo Leasing Company
R1206 4R126F102031 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 10-17-1971
November 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S102077
R1205 4R125S102078 6D SPEC 5Z60AA
S102078 is a confirmed SW Bell Company van with a phone company logo; and is unusual to have deluxe trim / This link shows the Company logo
R1205 4R125F102089 6D 521 std junk/parts
R1206 4R126F102096 6D 533 Z60
R1254 4R124S102105 N/A5544AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F102162 6D 508 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S102171 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 3-11-1964
R1254 4R124S102181 N/A5507AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102199 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 9-11-1970
R1254 4R124S102219 N/A5508AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F102234 known only from saved VIN tag
This link shows the VIN tag
R1254 4R124S102240 N/A5514AA std
R1206 4R126S102242 8D 5544AB std
R1206 4R126S102246 8D fb marketplace 2023
R1254 4R124S102254 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S102258 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102260 Public Auction - The Wichita Beacon (KS) 8-1-1970
R1206 4R126S102264 6D from Corsa registry
R1254 4R124S102267 N/A5528AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124F102292 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1206 4R126S102366 6D 5528AA std
This van previously was located in Southern CA. / This vehicle resides in Netherlands
R1206 4R126S102382 6D 5533AB std
R1205 4R125S102407 6D ebay 2022
R1205 4R125S102413 6D ebay 2023
R1254 4R124F102415 N/A519 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S102420 Public Auction - Sandpoint News Bulleting And Sandpoint Bee (Sandpoint, ID) 3-24-1976
R1205 4R125F102444 6D 507 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125F102456 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 5-2-1971
R1206 4R126S102460 6D 5526AA 5Z60EB
R1206 4R126S102468 Public Auction - Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT) 1-26-1994
R1205 4R125S102493 Public Auction - Edmonton Journal (Canada)11-24-1967_
R1205 4R125S102499 6D 5558AA std
R1254 4R124S102509 N/A5540AC 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124F102512 N/A533 Z60 In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102527 6D 5526AA STD
R1254 4R124S102528 N/A5537AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S102541 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S102551 6D 5546AB std
R1206 4R126S102574 6D
R1254 4R124S102582 N/A5540AC 5Z60AA
R1254 4R124S102585 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F102587 6D 5500AA 5Z60DB
S102587 is known from both a window sticker and an owner protection plan booklet. / This link shows the Window sticker for this vehicle. / This link shows the Owner Protection Plan for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126F102606 6D 5544AB std
R1205 4R125S102611 6D SPEC std ebay 2014
R1254 4R124S102636 N/A5508AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F102636 6D 540 std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S102659 6D 5526AA std
R1205 4R125F102663 Public Auction - The Terre Haute Tribune (IN) 5-21-1966
R1206 4R126S102693 6D 5545BA 5Z60EB
R1254 4R124S102697 N/A5510AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S102702 for sale from big CA desert car horde
R1206 4R126S102706 6D auctioned 2010
R1205 4R125S102718 Public Auction - The Salt Lake Tribune (UT) 3-8-1977
R1205 4R125S102722 6D 5510AA STD
R1206 4R126S102726 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 11-15-1969
R1254 4R124F102728 N/A530 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124F102752 N/A559 std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S102795 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102810 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 12-28-1963
Registered to the Dietze Music House Inc
R1206 4R126S102811 6D 5526AA std
R1254 4R124F102831 N/A537 Z60 In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102853 6D 5510AA std
December 1963 - Flint first s/n: F102866
R1254 4R124F102867 N/A505 std In CorvairKid Registry
Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 4R126F102886 6D SPC Z60
R1206 4R126S102897 6D 5526AA std
R1254 4R124S102903 N/A5545CF std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S102904 6D This vehicle resides in Norway
mentioned on the CCF 2007 / See here the Norwegian Registration Record
R1206 4R126S102909 6D 5554AA std
R1254 4R124S102930 N/A5508AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S102958 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S102975 N/A5503AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S103013 N/A5533AC 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S103021 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-19-1964
R1206 4R126S103037 5528AA 5Z60CA Corvair Ranch
December 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S103037
R1205 4R125F103044 Public Auction - Daily Press (Newport news, VI) 2-22-1967
R1206 4R126S103071 6D 5544AB std for sale FB 2019
R1206 4R126F103074 Public Auction - Mason Valley News (Yerington NV) 1-27-1989
R1254 4R124S103091 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S103092 6D from Corsa registry
R1205 4R125S103099 Public Auction - The Tampa Times (FL) 5-3-1973
R1206 4R126S103101
Frank Sherrod Vehicle & Salvage Yard Auction 11-30-2018
R1206 4R126F103131 Public Auction - North Jersey Herald and News (Passaic, NJ) 7-17-1987
R1206 4R126F103134 6D 510 Z60
R1254 4R124S103158
R1254 4R124S103171 N/A5528AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125F103191 Public Auction - Courier-Post (Camden, NJ) 2-1-1973
R1205 4R125F103196
from Invoice: sold new 2/6/64 in Richmond, VA. turquoise. direct air heater, Jr. West coast mirrors and rear door glass for options. 1R125S105390 was the trade in on it.
R1254 4R124S103218 In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S103258 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S103278 N/A5514AA 5Z60AB In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S103303 N/A5521CA std online sale
R1254 4R124S103314 online sale 2018
R1205 4R125S103323 6D 5541AA std
December 1963 - Flint last s/n: F103344 (EOP)
R1254 4R124S103360 N/A5528AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S103365 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S103412 6D 5514AA 5Z60EB
R1206 4R126S103444 Public Auction - Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) 7-15-1967
R1205 4R125S103449 6D 5526AA std
R1205 4R125S103456 6D 5526AA std
R1206 4R126S103460
R1206 4R126S103466 6D 5521BA std
This vehicle resides in England
R1205 4R125S103484 on ebay 2020
R1205 4R125S103488 Public Auction - Contra Costa Times (CA) 9-26-1971
R1254 4R124S103528
R1206 4R126S103620 6D 5544AB 5Z60EB
R1206 4R126S103639 Public Auction - The Daily Argus (NY) 6-9-1977
R1205 4R125S103650 US Senate Auto Safety Oversight Hearing -- Corvair Heater (pg 680) 2-16-1972
R1206 4R126S103680 6D 5558AB 5Z60CB
R1254 4R124S103685 N/A5503AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S103686 8D junk/parts; No data Plate
R1254 4R124S103689 N/A5528AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S103817 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 3-16-1966
R1206 4R126S103832 Public Auction - Corpus Christi Times (TX) 10-25-1972
R1206 4R126S103871 6D 5526AA 5Z60EA
R1254 4R124S103876 N/A5559AC 5Z60AA
R1206 4R126S103883 This link shows the Owner Protection Plan for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S103890 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 1-21-1964
R1254 4R124S103893 ebay 2023
R1205 4R125S103947 6D SPEC std
R1206 4R126S103963 6D 5545BC std
S103963 has the one-of-a-kind prototype folding rear seat / This link shows the rear seat
R1205 4R125S103971 6D 5503AA std
This link shows the invoice for this vehicle.
January 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S103994
R1205 4R125S104023 6D 5521BB std
R1254 4R124S104046 on-line sale 2020
R1254 4R124S104052 N/A5538AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S104081 6D This link shows the two heater controls
May have served as an emergency vehicle; has two heater controls
R1206 4R126S104114 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 15-17-1975
R1206 4R126S104143 6D 5540AB std has popup camper top
R1254 4R124S104156 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S104192 This link shows the title for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S104233 Public Auction - The Daily Register (Red Bank, NJ) 1-12-1968
R1254 4R124S104279 N/A5537AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S104314 N/A5519AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126F104342 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 6-18-1964
R1206 4R126S104345 6D 5521CA std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S104428 Public Auction - The Ephrata Review (PA) 9-13-1984
R1205 4R125S104492 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 4R125S104517 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-5-1964
R1205 4R125S104537 Public Auction - Rushville Republican (IN) 11-11-1976
R1205 4R125S104541 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln NE) 2-22-1964
R1206 4R126S104583 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1205 4R125S104634 found in public records
R1205 4R125S104652 This link shows the Owner Prot Plan for this vehicle.
R1254 4R124S104740 N/A5558AC 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S104762 In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S104784 Registration Record - The Daily Reporter (Lincoln, NE) 2-1-1964
R1206 4R126S104816 6D 5503AA std
R1206 4R126S104905 6D 5503AA std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S104916 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 4R126S104938 6D Data plate missing
R1206 4R126S104944 6D 5521BA std
R1206 4R126S104975 6D 5522AA std Corvair Ranch
R1206 4R126S104998 6D 5540AA std ebay 2018
R1206 4R126S105029 6D std
This link shows the window sticker for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S105035 6D sold I-15 auctions
R1206 4R126S105037 6D
R1205 4R125S105084 6D 5558AA std
R1206 4R126S105123 6D 5526AA 5Z60EA
R1206 4R126S105147 6D 5545(B)A std junk/parts
R1206 4R126S105159 6D 5541AB 5Z60LB
S105159 is in Alaska, and is being restored after being abandoned for several decades. / This link shows the van as found after long-term storage
R1206 4R126S105198 6D 5528AA std Corvair Ranch
R1206 4R126S105227 6D 5554AA std
R1206 4R126S105235 6D [721A] [std]
The owner of S105235 indicated that the VIN tag was moved to a 1961 Greenbrier
February 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S105244
R1254 4R124S105244 N/A5530AC 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S105254 N/A5510AA 5Z60AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S105320 6D parts van
R1206 4R126S105326 6D ebay listin
R1206 4R126S105331 6D
R1205 4R125S105333 6D 5545AC 5Z60GB
R1206 4R126S105335 6D 5545BA 5Z60EB
R1205 4R125S105450 Public Auction - Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 1-21-1970
R1206 4R126S105468 6D
R1206 4R126S105490 6D
R1206 4R126S105512 Public Auction - The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 1-6-1968
R1205 4R125S105516 Public Auction - The Atlantic Constitution (Atlanta, GA) 3-4-1972
R1206 4R126S105528 for sale from big CA desert car horde
R1254 4R124S105536 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S105564 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S105614 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 6-25-1965
R1205 4R125S105698 6D SPEC STD
R1205 4R125S105768 6D 5503AA std junk/parts
R1254 4R124S105772 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1205 4R125S105872
Sold new 6/5/64 in Richmond. Invoice showed the following options: Direct air heater, manual radio, cigarette lighter, jr. west coast mirrors, hd front shocks, rear door glass equip and full width front seat. Exterior: Blue
R1205 4R125S105877 6D for sale 2019
R1205 4R125S105940 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S105941 N/A5510AA 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S105998 Public Auction - The Daily Spectrum (Saint George, UT) 11-16-1977
R1205 4R125S106086 6D 5507AA std
R1206 4R126S106131 6D 5558AB 5Z60JA
This link shows the window sticker for this vehicle.
R1205 4R125S106157 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau Edition (NY) 8-25-1965
R1206 4R126S106242 6D 5524AA std Dormobile camper
R1206 4R126S106299 This link shows the Dealer invoice with camper options for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S106305 6D 5521CA std
R1206 4R126S106313 6D
R1206 4R126S106341 6D
R1205 4R125S106350 Public Auction - Lead Daily Call (SD) 6-22-1077
R1206 4R126S106360 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB
R1206 4R126S106364 See article in CorvanAntics 12-2 (1984), pg 14
March 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S106396
R1254 4R124S106410 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1254 4R124S106445 N/ASPEC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S106450 6D Data plate missing
R1206 4R126S106483 8D 5521DA 5Z60LD
R1206 4R126S106490 6D 5507AA std
R1206 4R126S106553 Public Auction - The Tampa Tribune (FL) 2-23-1986
R1206 4R126S106599 6D 5Z60KB
This link shows the van in 1966
R1205 4R125S106623 8D online sale
R1206 4R126S106629
R1205 4R125S106633 6D 5521CA std
R1206 4R126S106670 6D 5526AA std
R1254 4R124S106679 N/A5514AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S106725 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
listed on ebay 2023
R1206 4R126S106833 6D 5521DA std
R1205 4R125S106877 6D
S106877 was the rescue van of the Beatrice Fire & Rescue Department, Beatrice NE. / There is an article in Corvanatics 1993 vol 21(5) about this van
R1206 4R126S106878 Public Auction - Newsday Suffolk Edition (NY) 2-3-1965
R1206 4R126S106883 5544AB 2-tone red
/ S106883 is one of only a few extant FCs that is also found in a vintage newspaper legal notice / Public Auction - The Central NJ Home News (New Brunswick, NJ) 6-7-1982
R1206 4R126S106897 6D decomposing in a field
R1254 4R124S106935 N/A5514AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S106937 Public Auction - The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA) 1-21-1972
R1254 4R124S106953 N/A5507AA 5Z60GA
BAT auction & ebay 2018
R1206 4R126S106959 Public Auction - Austin-American-Statesman (TX) 12-9-1973
R1254 4R124S106961 N/A5521BA 5Z60GB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S106963 6D 5514AA 5Z60LA
This vehicle resides in England
R1206 4R126S106972 6D ebay 2017 - junk/parts
R1254 4R124S106988 N/A5558AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S107025 6D 5510AA STD Mecum auction 2019
R1206 4R126S107046 6D auctioned 2021; Mecum Auction 2024
R1206 4R126S107049 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB
R1206 4R126S107096 6D 5540AB STD
R1205 4R125S107121 Public Auction - Fort Lauderdale News (FL) 1-9-1967
R1205 4R125S107189 6D 5521BB STD junker
R1206 4R126S107194 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB
R1206 4R126S107292 8D 5510AA std
R1206 4R126S107309 6D std
This link shows the window sticker for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S107311 8D 5526AA std
R1205 4R125S107315 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 12-31-1972
R1205 4R125S107326 6D 0n craigslist LA, 2023
VIN plate is screwed on.
R1206 4R126S107390 Public Auction - The Franklin Favorite (Franklin, KT) 5-13-1974
R1206 4R126S107419 8D 5510AA 5Z60KD
S107419 is a brightly colored hippy van .
R1205 4R125S107431 6D 5544AA 5Z60GB
This vehicle resides in Netherlands
R1206 4R126S107455 6D was scrapped
R1206 4R126S107461 6D 5544AB std
R1205 4R125S107472 Public Auction - Hartford-Courant (CT) 4-23-1980
R1206 4R126S107505 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB
R1205 4R125S107555 6D 5521BB std
April 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S107627
R1205 4R125S107630 8D 5521CA std junk/parts
R1206 4R126S107641 6D 5544AB std junk/parts
R1254 4R124S107671 online sale
R1254 4R124S107691 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S107700 8D std
S107700 originally was an ambulance for the Falu Lasarett hospital. / This vehicle resides in Sweden
R1206 4R126S107761 6D 5540AB std
R1206 4R126S107840 6D from Corsa registry
R1254 4R124S107848 N/A5500AA 5Z60GA ebay 2017
R1206 4R126S107901 8D
Most likely juncked; auctioned in 2022 by BigIron Auctions ID# HJ8778 Location: Quartzsite, AZ
R1206 4R126S107913 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S107929 N/A5545CC 5Z60GB In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S107932 5528AA std in junkyard
R1205 4R125S107987 6D 5529AA 5Z60HB
R1206 4R126S108012 6D 5514AA 5Z60LB junk/parts
R1254 4R124S108020 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1206 4R126S108038 6D 5558AB 5Z60JA
R1206 4R126S108054 6D online sale
R1254 4R124S108058 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1206 4R126S108085 6D for sale 2022
R1206 4R126S108086 This link shows the owner protection plan for this vehicle.
R1254 4R124S108087 N/A5558AC std In CorvairKid Registry
Corvair Kid
R1254 4R124S108097 N/A5544AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S108104 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S108109 6D 5544AB std online sale
R1206 4R126S108114 8D 5541AB 5Z60LB[D]
R1206 4R126S108179 6D 5521CA std
This vehicle resides in Sweden / See previous history on the CorvairForum
R1254 4R124S108203 N/A5505AA std
R1206 4R126S108205 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S108221 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB
R1206 4R126S108236 6D 5535AB std BAT auction 2020
/ S108236 has a very nice stock camper unit. This is one of only 2 extant FCs that have an original window sticker. / Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info / This link shows the Window sticker for this vehicle. / This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S108239 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 2-23-1975
R1205 4R125S108265 Public Auction - Fort lauderdale News (FL) 5-11-1965
R1206 4R126S108308 6D 5526AA 5Z60LA Connell Collctn
R1206 4R126S108326 6D 5537AB std Mecum 2024
This link shows the Shipper document for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S108327 8D 5508AA 5Z60JD
S108326 & S108327 are a rare pair among remaining FCs that rolled off the assembly line sequentially.
R1206 4R126S108347 6D 5545BA 5Z60LB
S108347 was featured in an article published in CorvanAntics Vol 18-4 (1990)
R1254 4R124S108350 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S108358 N/A5529AA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S108372 N/A5526AA 5Z60GB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S108382 Public Auction - The Idaho Statesman (Boise ID) 9-20-1976
R1254 4R124S108385 N/A5521DA 5Z60GA[B] In CorvairKid Registry
S108385 has an unexpected trim code. Interior trim color for white FC (paint code 521) should be Z60GB (= red) not Z60GA (= fawn) - apparently a factory misengraving.
R1206 4R126S108389 6D 5505AA std
R1206 4R126S108433 6D
R1206 4R126S108436 6D 5526AA std ebay 2018
S108436 is a flower power hippy van
R1206 4R126S108439 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB ebay 2019
R1206 4R126S108498 6D 5558AB std
R1254 4R124S108520 N/A5545CA 5Z60GB
Here is link to online sale 2023
R1206 4R126S108581 6D online sale
R1206 4R126S108589 6D 5545BC 5Z60LB
R1206 4R126S108627 6D ebay 2022
R1205 4R125S108643 6D 5521AB std Corvair Ranch
R1206 4R126S108646 6D 5540AB 5Z60KA
R1205 4R125S108651 8D 5545AC 5Z60GB
R1205 4R125S108697 Public Auction - The Daily Argus Tue (NY) 2-20-1968
R1206 4R126S108767 8D 5544AB 5Z60LD
R1206 4R126S108776 6D
S108776 is located in Japan; at last contact in 2014 it was used as a food truck / See post about this van on the
R1206 4R126S108813 8D 5537AB std
R1206 4R126S108843 6D 5558AB std
R1206 4R126S108846 See article in CorvanAntics 1983 vol 8 #5
R1206 4R126S108862 8D 5540AB std
May 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S108926
R1205 4R125S108932 This link shows the title for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S108947 6D 5545BA 5Z60LB
R1254 4R124S108949 offered for sale on fb, 2023, from NW Oregon
R1254 4R124S108978 N/A5526AA 5Z60GB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S108986 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB
This is one of only two existing FCs that have an original window sticker
R1254 4R124S108997 N/A5528AA 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
also see article in Corvanatics 2002 issue 30(3)
R1206 4R126S109014 6D
R1205 4R125S109021 8D 5521CA std ebay 2018
R1254 4R124S109035 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109051 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB
R1206 4R126S109061 6D 5526AA 5Z60LB
R1254 4R124S109069 found on the Corvair Center Forum
R1254 4R124S109070 N/A5538AC 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S109091 N/A5528AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S109093 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S109107 This link shows the door decal
S109107 has "C 64 320" stamped on the VIN plate, a government fleet Bid code, and has decals on the doors for the City of Rome GA. Corvan with full set of roll-down windows / This link shows the VIN Plate
R1206 4R126S109116 6D
S109116 body is mounted on a 1965 Ford F100 4X4 chassis with a SB Chevy 350 engine
R1206 4R126S109143 Public Auction - The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA) 8-28-1990
R1206 4R126S109155 6D 5533AB std
R1254 4R124S109184 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S109196 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S109227 6D 5528AA std Corvair Ranch
R1254 4R124S109251 N/A5528AA 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S109280 N/A5507AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109291 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S109339 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1206 4R126S109343 6D
R1206 4R126S109351 6D 5544AB std
R1206 4R126S109402 6D 5535AB 5Z60MA
R1206 4R126S109412 6D 5545BC std
R1206 4R126S109443 Public Auction - The Jersey Journal and Jersey Observer (NJ) 12-4-1970
R1206 4R126S109474 8D 5530AB std
4R126S109474 is located in the (wet and windy) UK
R1206 4R126S109479 5558AB 5Z60JC
R1206 4R126S109490 6D 5545BA 5Z60LA Corvair Ranch
R1254 4R124S109491 N/A5510AA std Corvair Kid
R1254 4R124S109506 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109508 8D sold BAT 2020
R1254 4R124S109512 N/A5503AA std In CorvairKid Registry
Connell Collctn
R1254 4R124S109515 N/A5521BB std
R1206 4R126S109518 6D Data plate is missing
R1206 4R126S109532 6D 5521CA STD junker
R1254 4R124S109540 N/A5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109548 8D
R1206 4R126S109550 6D 5554AA 5Z60JB
R1254 4R124S109578 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109579 Public Auction - The Pensacola News (FL) 9-17-1970
R1254 4R124S109602
R1254 4R124S109648 N/A5510AA std
R1206 4R126S109649 6D 5528AA std
R1254 4R124S109650 N/A5545CD std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109695 6D 5530AB 5Z60KB
This link shows the Owners ID card for this vehicle.
R1205 4R125S109704 8D 5544AA std
R1206 4R126S109707 Public Auction - Newsday (Nassau Edition) (NY) 10-28-1989
R1254 4R124S109722 N/A5545CA 5Z60GB In CorvairKid Registry
October 1963 - St Louis first s/n: S109733
R1205 4R125S109782 6D 5505AA std Corvair Ranch
R1205 4R125S109803 std
S109803 was an ambulance conversion / This vehicle resided in Sweden
R1254 4R124S109895 N/A5535AC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S109896 6D junker
R1254 4R124S109902 N/A5559AC 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
June 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S109934
R1206 4R126S109987 6D 5554AA std
R1205 4R125S110010 std
Records indicate that S110010 originally was an ambulance conversion / This vehicle resided in Sweden
R1205 4R125S110017 8D std
S110017 originally was an ambulance conversion that served the Norrtälje Hospital and may be vehicle is shown in the historical photograph. The vehicle still exists. / This vehicle resides in Sweden / This link shows the photograph
R1254 4R124S110043 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S110048 N/A5510AA STD
R1206 4R126S110051 6D 5544AB 5Z60LA auctioned 2018
R1206 4R126S110055 6D
R1206 4R126S110106 6D
R1205 4R125S110182 Public Auction - Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls SD) 10-18-1980
R1206 4R126S110189 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB
R1206 4R126S110192 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 4R126S110251
from shipping import record from Canada to US - 2022
R1206 4R126S110270 5554 std
The VIN of this Greenbrier and some other information about it were on a 1964 GM document listing vehicles on the lots of dealerships around Minneapolis. It included 4 Greenbriers and 1 Corvan. This one was at a dealership in Grand Rapids MN / This link shows the GM document for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S110300 6D 5540AB std
R1206 4R126S110306 5545BA std
Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S110347 N/A5538AC 5Z60GA
R1205 4R125S110357 6D 5537AA std
R1206 4R126S110383 6D 5528AA std
S110383 is The Mystery Machine . It is a R1205 panel van but has a R1206 VIN tag.
R1205 4R125S110399 6D 5528AA std
R1254 4R124S110401 N/A5514AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S110427 N/A5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S110428 6D 5533AB std
S110427 & S110428 are a rare pair among remaining FCs that rolled off the assembly line sequentially.
R1205 4R125S110487 5516AA std
R1206 4R126S110490 Craigslist 2024
R1254 4R124S110503 N/A5521BB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S110515 6D 5503AA 5Z60MB junk/parts
R1206 4R126S110542 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 2-11-1973
R1206 4R126S110637 6D 5507AA 5Z60JB
R1206 4R126S110645 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB junker
R1206 4R126S110679 6D 5540 5Z60KB
R1206 4R126S110685 5544AB 5Z60LB
S110685 is on display at the GM Heritage Center.
R1206 4R126S110690 6D 5521BA 5Z60LA
S110690 was originally purchased by the Scott Air force base in Illinois (near St Louis). / This link shows the decal
R1206 4R126S110702 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB ebay 2015
R1206 4R126S110745 8D 5521DA 5Z60LD
R1206 4R126S110767 6D ebay 2015
R1205 4R125S110859 8D 5521BB std
R1206 4R126S110876 5510A (?) std
R1206 4R126S110920 5559 std
The VIN of this Greenbrier and some other information about it were on a 1964 GM document listing vehicles on the lots of dealerships around Minneapolis. It included 4 Greenbriers and 1 Corvan. This one was at Keiss Chevrolet in Cold Spring MN. / This link shows the GM Document snippet for this vehicle.
R1205 4R125S110965 6D 5545BC std
R1206 4R126S110971
July 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S110990
R1206 4R126S111011 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1206 4R126S111048 6D 5544AB 5Z60LA
R1206 4R126S111091 Shoshone News Press (Osburn ID) 6-29-1976
R1205 4R125S111125 on ebay 2023; DIY camper interior
R1254 4R124S111136 N/A5514AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S111189 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB
R1206 4R126S111218 6D 5521CA std
R1206 4R126S111230 6D sold in Mecum auction 2025
R1206 4R126S111252 5524 std
The VIN of this Greenbrier and some other information about it were on a 1964 GM document listing vehicles on the lots of dealerships around Minneapolis. It included 4 Greenbriers and 1 Corvan. This one was at Arrow Chevrolet in Duluth, MN. / This link shows the GM document snippet for this vehicle.
R1205 4R125S111263 6D ebay 2022
R1206 4R126S111273 6D This link shows the 1996 OH BVM report for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S111285 6D 5533AB 5Z60MB Connell Collectn
R1206 4R126S111291 Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S111300 N/A5519AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1254 4R124S111333 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1254 4R124S111341 One of seven '64 Rampsides imported by GM Canada; from GM record
R1254 4R124S111357 N/A0780-546 std In CorvairKid Registry
S111357 was a Bell Sytem Truck. Visit the CorvairKid site to learn more about this truck and its unusual paint code.
R1254 4R124S111369 N/A5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
Hover to see 2004 OH Registration info
R1254 4R124S111388 N/A5510AA 5Z60GA
R1206 4R126S111410 5524
The VIN of this Greenbrier and some other information about it were on a 1964 GM document listing vehicles on the lots of dealerships around Minneapolis. It included 4 Greenbriers and one Corvan. This one was at a dealership in Moose Lake MN. / This link shows the GM Document for this vehicle.
R1206 4R126S111429 Public Auction - Newsday Nassau Edition (NY) 12-29-1966
R1206 4R126S111464 6D has factory camper unit
R1206 4R126S111479 Hover to see 1996 OH Registration info
This link shows the 1996 Ohio BMV Report for this vehicle.
R1254 4R124S111489 N/A5508AA 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S111509 6D 5558AB std
R1206 4R126S111713 This link shows the owner protection plan for this vehicle.
R1205 4R125S111716 510
The VIN of this Greenbrier and some other information about it were on a 1964 GM document listing vehicles on the lots of dealerships around Minneapolis. It included 5 Greenbriers and 1 Corvan. This one went to a dealership in Rochester, MN. / This link shows the GM document snippet for this vehicle.
R1254 4R124S111740 N/A5533AC 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1205 4R125S111745 Public Auction - The Boston Globe (MA) 2-24-1976
R1206 4R126S111756 6D
R1254 4R124S111819 N/A5500AA 5Z60GA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 4R126S113560 6D data plate is missing
July 1963 - St Louis last s/n: S114898
R1206 4R126S10029? 6D
Last digit of above VIN is missing - but note the presence of a second gas tank filler tube on rear quarter panel.
August 1964 - St Louis production begins s/n 100001
ModelVINvan doorsPaint
Trim CodeInformation
R1206 R1265S100004 This link shows the dealer invoice for this vehicle.
R1206 R1265S100015 6D 5545BC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100031 6D 5540AB std
R1206 R1265S100040 8D 5521DA 5Z60LD In CorvairKid Registry
Corvair Kid
R1206 R1265S101040 6D ??? std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100042 6D 5526AA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
Corvair Kid
R1206 R1265S100073 6D 5540AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100124 6D 5555AA 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100140 This link shows the dealer invoice for this vehicle.
R1206 R1265S100153 6D 5525AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100171 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100176 6D 5544AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100178 8D 5521BB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100184 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100191 6D 5521DA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
September 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S100193
R1206 R1265S100213 6D In CorvairKid Registry
data plate missing
R1206 R1265S100247 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100251 6D 5526AA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100267 6D 5521BB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100268 6D 5545BC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100292 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100302 6D 5537AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100351 6D 5522AA 5Z60LA
This link shows the Window sticker for this vehicle.
R1206 R1265S100353 6D 5544AB 5Z60LA In CorvairKid Registry
There is a for this vehicle.
R1206 R1265S100360 5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100363 6D 5558AA 5Z60JB at the Corvair Ranch
R1206 R1265S100378 8D In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100386 6D 5537AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100393 6D 5555AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100408 6D Parts van
R1206 R1265S100422 6D 5555AA 5Z60JB
R1206 R1265S100423 8D 5542AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100437
This van was offerred for sale on the Corvair Center Forum in 2012
R1206 R1265S100456 6D
R1206 R1265S100474 6D 5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100476 This link shows the Protect-O-Plate for this vehicle.
This vehicle was owned by Sisters of Mercy, Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, PA, as recorded in an Owner Protection Plan booklet
R1206 R1265S100505 6D 5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100523 6D 5545BA 5Z60LB
R1206 R1265S100535 6D 5526AA 5Z60EA In CorvairKid Registry
The "EA" trim code ECL of S100535 may be a misstamp or misread of "LA", or this vehicle has a plate from a 1964 vehicle.
R1206 R1265S100540 6D 5522AA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100560 6D 5545BA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100561 Public Auction - The Baltimore Sun (MD) 9-8-1974
R1206 R1265S100578
R1206 R1265S100603 8D 5521BB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100604 6D 5555AA 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100619 5542AA ?
R1206 R1265S100622 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100625 6D Data Plate is missing
R1206 R1265S100642 6D 5540AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100644 6D 5548AA std
R1206 R1265S100651 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB
R1206 R1265S100654 6D 5540AB std
This vehicle resides in Poland
R1206 R1265S100691 6D 5538AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100704 6D 5541AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265R100726 6D 5545BC 5Z60LB
R1206 R1265S100728 6D 5507AA std
R1206 R1265S100732 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
ebay 2018
R1206 R1265S100734 6D 5526AA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100735 6D 5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100761 6D 5545BC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100766 8D 5540AB 5Z60KD In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100786 8D 5540AB 5Z60KA Data plate missing
R1206 R1265S100825 8D 5525AA std In CorvairKid Registry
This link shows the van before restoration
R1206 R1265S100829 6D 5503AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100844 6D 5541AB 5Z60LA In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100847 6D 5545BC std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100849 6D 5537AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100852 5525AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100854 8D 5540AB 5Z60KD In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100873 6D 5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100874 6D (5Z60)
R1206 R1265S100880 6D 0793-97215 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
The 97215 part of this unusual paint code is the Dupont formula for Sierra Tan, as explained in the CorvairKid registry
R1206 R1265S100908 6D 5510AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100909 6D 5537AB 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100962 6D 5541AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S100968 6D 5549AA 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101000 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
This link shows the Canadian Protect-O-Plate for this vehicle.
R1206 R1265S101011 6D 5510AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101023 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101041 6D 5555?? 5Z60?? In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101052 6D 5555AA 5Z60JG In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101059 8D 5555AA 5Z60JC In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101091 Public Auction - The Miami News (FL) 5-25-1974
R1206 R1265S101129 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101147 8D 5537AB 5Z60JC In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101155 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101173 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101184 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101188 6D 5521CA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101202 6D 5540AB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101203 6D In CorvairKid Registry
Data plate missing
R1206 R1265S101204 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101206 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101221 6D 5505AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101224 6D 5521BA 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101242 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101254 6D 5510AA 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101256 8D std
records indicate that S100256 originally was an ambulance at the Furunaset hospital, and could be this ambulance photographed at Gefle plant where the convers / This vehicle resides in Sweden
December 1964 - St Louis first s/n: S101260
R1206 R1265S101284 8D In CorvairKid Registry
S101284 has a distinctive VIN plate and other features. / This vehicle resides in Sweden / Data plate missing
R1206 R1265S101287 6D 5544AB 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101289 6D 5542AA 5Z60JB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101310 In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101315 6D 5545BC 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101318 6D In CorvairKid Registry
Data plate missing
R1206 R1265S101334 6D 5540AB 5Z60KB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101335 6D 5521BB std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101341 6D 5545BC 5Z60LB In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101349 8D 5533AB 5Z60MC
R1206 R1265S101362 8D 5521BB std
R1206 R1265S101406 6D In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101408 6D 5526AA std In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101443 8D 5537AB 5Z60JB(D) In CorvairKid Registry
R1206 R1265S101453 6D 5540AB 5Z60KA
R1206 R1265S101455 6D 5540BO 5Z60LB
R1206 R1265S101473 6D 5533AB 5Z60MB In CorvairKid Registry

Thanks to Kent Sullivan for providing data from his Corvair Kid FC registry, to Paul of who helped in tracking down Corvair 95 trim and paint codes, and Thomas Pedigo for acquiring the codes and images from the Connell collection. Thanks also to Ray Sedman, James Dunham, Molly Bacon, Phil Dally and Gary Moore for collecting FC codes. Also, much gratitude goes to all of the FC owners who sent information about their vehicles, often times responding to my requests for more information. The data you all provided contributed significantly to the "critical mass" of data needed to decipher the paint and trim codes.

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